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Her DARK World

Chapter 2 Out Of HELL

Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

the p

Arin asked, and the lady warden ga

eyes and approa

name loudly, causing

ested. So, will you leave me alone?",

ould change so much. He had all of Dua's information,

the prison?", Arin stared at Dua and thoug

d to tell me your story because I do not like repeatin

me?", Dua asked, looking down

about it?", Arin asked in h

in it. You will lose your name, time, and status

eyes and her heart constricted. This

orrying about everything and just get ready to go outsid

t you to decide whether you want to fight for m

her justice. Hearing her story was a smal

t and next week you are going to get out of pri

sily?", Dua was shocked

So you just have to tell me your story without hearing your story. I won'

ek l

and was granted by the

She was inside the prison for the past five years. She had no

street or in some motels. So, he took her und


house. Dua stared at the house with observing eyes and found that the house

a asked panickedly and Ari

you'll live here", Arin said a

I live here?", Dua asked grittedly

so mine. I brought this house with my money and from now you'll live here

under his b

d looked here and there t

Dua asked and saw the

, Arin said and started to

of the house. She saw there were ten rooms. A

can take -

ut they heard loud laughing

ned around and saw th

rin closed his eye

annoyance and looke

asked his elder brother AARYA (Aru), and younger br

gawking at Dua who g

poke your eyes", Dua threatened the

ut didn't say anything to her becaus

ould be here?", Ariv said and

at the Kashyap brothers who wer

and found her glari

that you would be here or say I forgot to inform them. They are leav

ok their heads and said, "Mom was worried for you an

a few things here", Arin replied

ill standi

ours?", Dua asked, there

of be

I share everything with my brothers", A

, Dua asked

ed and made snack

hings about his siblings as he had an elder brother named Shaurya who was the CEO of K.K corpor

rrow of Jealousy hit her but

g at a construction site",

nd Dua looked away from him and thought

s ready", Arin said as

walked towards the new

understand her fears and thos

're a hard nut to crack", Arin stared

and started preparing himself f



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