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BEAUTY Who Embraces The BEAST {Book 7 in 2nd Series}

BEAUTY Who Embraces The BEAST {Book 7 in 2nd Series}


Chapter 1 ABANDONED 1

Word Count: 1069    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

elt AB

couldn't stop herself from staring at the

Something was off from the personality

nagging sound in her head and heart that making her nervou

JAGAT ? .... ,, Controlli

,, JAGAT , that man spoke

or whom?" .... ,, She asked as she c

t said but she shook her head negatively and stared at him th

as possible" .... ,, Jagat said and she l

ut you , about us . I don't want to left any link of us , here for them to capture you . Now , do you understand w

thought you left this job" .... ,

'll only pull me into this. There's no way of return" ...

ing? .... ,, She asked , h

, He answere

, Her words pierced his heart a

,, Jagat replied calmly b

".... ,, She said as her mind was full o

gat said , he was afraid to loose her that was the r

this condition. Are not you more cruel than your opponents".....

was visible on his face

ess of game of vengeance but now everything comple

the name of protection" .... ,, Her voice sounded

obile bell rang and saw the number. He panickly recei

he asked and tears dropped off her beautiful aq

you to abort the child and hide yourself from all this shit. Leave NY and go somewhere else , far

nt and he knew it that she would never kill their child. She was different from him. She wasn't cruel woman. She always hope to have a family w

between his steps again and uttered withou

where he walked out of her life




d not hold his tears back. He hide himself from the

he took out his Wallet and tore their pictur

but it was necessary to prote

to be unreachable. No one knows about your existence in my life and now unexpected baby in this unwanted war zone. It's unbelievable and I'm helpless. I've to work for my boss and I do

to fulfil

er and their child but it wasn't their time to live together

abandoned you" .... ,, She spok

ive in this new , unfamilia



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