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Married To My Brother's Girlfriend

Chapter 6 Power outage

Word Count: 1753    |    Released on: 11/08/2023


r. Her own twin who had to be married. Not only did s

b to take a shower she closed

k of being in her twin brother's body but the feeling

memories of the night was completely buzzing in her head. Sh

t weak girl. Who gets bullied and can't defend herself.

thtub drying off the water on her body . Added with a

seeing the notification was fro

t w

s , spilling dirty lies abou

tion in Wang Lei's body , Park neve

itter, Facebook. With bloodshot eyes Wang Par

home. She left on a trip

ansion when his phone started ringing. It was

mall house looking abandoned. She changed the state into a lively one. She came back from school on a Friday listening to music from her head se

to leave without anyone knowing his location. On hi

und world that even Coung helped her as am assistant. No

tle life in her she gave

he said ov

ame is Jie" a

ut if the garage he heard

lf to that stupid man. He abandoned yo

�. Luckily the lady was too focused on her

. What the m

e to meet my daughter Fung and make the Wang's pay d

sis. Jie

Lei took his car and

rs Hong isn't F

ame to work to get every

is c

g out . He dialed a numbe


searched in her closet lookin

ns with her r

ytime she goes to the underground. Ye

all along. Wang Lei is W

end was

e the house without being aske


time. They where right now standin

e about the identity of Lei when he claimed to be their mistress . Secret code o

n is the most dangerous gang in the entire Ci

i as their everything. She help

ng's mom but our arr

ed silent. It was too

er Jie is Fung's mom " Co

do was to no

something fast

hers should retrieve my

ck Mrs Hon

p an eye

ng you

ike she wanted to puke. Just as his thoughts sank in, C

ing sickness is acting up again.

out that she is going to be a godmother" Coung

w am going to be a godmo

bad at hidi

when someone is pregnant. Who is the d

an Ch

mean the playboy. How c

t a one n

ou had a one

wer but her phone rang. The n



which he loved so much. But she wasn't home. So he called her . He

g was throw at him. That Coung

n called out ref

ost it. Her mood swing set in , she

me on my phone" a red

on the inside and swee

lost of

ed inhaling but it was difficult. Jua

led her eyes at him heading t


ing a glass of red wine. Her favourite. Her brown long hair hang down her

her or the kid. It was hard for her to cop without her lover and keep the baby. She cam

her sis which she stayed with until she gave birth. When her daughter Wei tur

ied visiting her daughter but couldn't sum up the courage to enter the Wang's

es to death. This was all witnessed by Cracker's leader .

But she still wanted her


ragrance. It was his favorite apple

water. So Lei took a warm bath. The

ed downstairs. Fen stopped when sh

and turned to lo

milk Fenny " Nanny Chang sa

Nanny , tomorr

you catch up. " Nanny refused to listen

o get milk. Fen undresse

ed dark , the l

ed for Lei to come. She

artner when he heard Fen's screams. He

rapped around her body. Lei couldn't see v

op of Lei , h

G �

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