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Best Friend's Brother

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1038    |    Released on: 14/08/2023

hor was there in the cramped quarters of a food

they would never have done it. Not many men of her acquaintance would’ve bothered getting their hands dirty. But then agai

uestions crowded into her head. But before she could ask them,

y party,” he said, thrusting his ar

y?" Sasha

small house warming party… with a few close friends and business acquaintances. I do hope you will come too. Tomo

nod at Tilly, he stalked out the do

first to break

ed, voicing the question that had been pla

t want to have one but mom talked him out of it. He also insisted on inviting you by himse


mal d

asis on her eyes, twisted her hair into a careless knot and fixed it with a large cli

either. She was an hour late already, but she'd done that on purpose too. She didn't want to arrive too early, and more imp

and God knows how many people he'd invited. Kaleb was the

car. Following the address Kaleb had s

hough she knew that Kaleb's house would be beautiful, judging by how wealthy he w

iron with an incongruously hi-tech

through a park. An extra

lone a weed, she thought. The trees, all native to this part of the countr

awn so pristine, and she wondered about the budget. He probably

he could hear loud music and the voices of people and again, she wondered just how many pe

nd, some were sitting, mostly in pairs or groups, drinks in their hands as they chatted excitedly. Sasha recognized some o

e park or the cinema and he was always nice to her. She smiled b

erfully, "I should have know

ave been mad at me. Besides, I couldn't give up the opportunity to hav

him. He had a presence about him that made it hard not to notice him. He was tall, masculine and incredibly handsome with a personality that dr

on. She noticed in particular a lady in a green dress standing rather too close to him and she winced at the jealousy that hit her. Looking away, she forced

ns and a white shirt. She didn't look like she cared abo

approached Sasha. "Why the hell d

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