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The CEO who saved me

Chapter 3 Anthony Desmunt.

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 23/08/2023

had given me, the way his voice sounded as he said those nonsensical things to me, it was all a big whirl

know how to deal with it, the first thing I had to think of now was a nightclub where I should work, I admit there weren't many nightclubs as good as the one I was in, most were run by ridiculous pimps

ght. When I looked at the street again I saw a man approaching I thought that a man walking down the street at this time of night could only be looking for trouble and I decided



you doing here at t

t I'd wait for you here but when you arrived you came in so quickly th

where I lived? Wer

don't want you to think I'm so

t think of yo

the one following you.

at all. Who the h

a broken-h


cause the woman I l

t he wanted with this, but just knowing that he had paid people to follow me made

ve n

o what I have to say.

alize how difficult it is for me to find a good nightclub? That


t of a sad child, it was strange, but I had

e it

uman trafficking system. I'm the CEO of a successful company, I can take care of

ieve that? And what's the bi

your answer, but please, I ask you to think about this with care. Don't think of me

t if I kicked him out I wouldn't hav

k tomorrow afternoon.

ne more

ftness and taste of his lips, it was something I would never admit, but I was becoming dangerously addicted to it. T

hadn't even noticed that damn car there until now, I felt naive for that. I went into my house qui

of his company, an international multi-millionaire. How did a man like that end up in a nightclub like the one I worked in?

ing, even after seeing it with my own eyes and I wouldn't even consider the idea of going with him to an unknown place, even if I had nothing left to lose, I still had my life, it was totally agai

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