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Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf

Chapter 8 Wolf awakening

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 20/09/2023


ed the dimly lit room, the storm outside m

he wrong wife

not my own, but that of the wolf that resided within my very being. Its anger was pal

tration. "This is not the time, wolf. I nee

er was a chilling

ferocious, a guttural sound that sent shivers down my spine. My wolf is very irritable, its strength i

othing of what I've been through. You are a part of me, b

ke it right? You had her in your grasp, and you let her slip away!

otions that threatened to consume me. The wolf's anger was a mirror to

ituation," I hissed through clenched teeth. "I n

ated within me. "Time? Time is a luxury we can't afford. Sh

ce that surged within me. I had known that the wolf's awakening would

l that matched the wolf's intensity. "But I will d

head. "Do not forget, human, that I am a part of you. Our fate is intertwined, and our mate

lf's urgency was not unfounded, that its ange

my actions. I had worked too hard to control the wolf's primal in

on. "I will find her, but I will not allow you to

alking about, we wouldn't have lost our mat

"Shut up, I'm so irritable right now, I don't have time to talk

e as it considered my words. "As long as you do not da

. "Agreed. Now, let us find a way to locate

ed on, a different kind

il within me. My wolf was irritable, a constant barrage of scolding thoughts filling my mind.

my own mistakes. "You let her play you like a pupp

g with the anger that simmered beneath t

ding. "You should have seen through her

needed to find Ariana, to clear the air and offer an explanation, but I also

's parents. Their concern was palpable, their curiosity evident in their eyes. And

aphina on your wedding night?" her mother

nto my thoughts. I struggled to find the words

artner," I snapped, unable to contain the frustratio

silence settling over the room. Her parents excha

" Alpha Andrew asked, his

my frustration deepening.

sified. It was as if the beast within me was a reflection of my own in

room, my heart racing in anticipation. I knocked, my

ce striking me like a physical blow. My wolf's anger reache

spat, its voice a ha

stration warring within

te's heart, you rejected her, so she

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