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Bounty Hunter

Chapter 2 A massive tip

Word Count: 1070    |    Released on: 01/09/2023


its and women in one-dollar cougar-styled dressing walk up to the bar, ordering whiskey on the rocks in an att

as ready to call it a day and return to my one-bedroom apart

he closest thing I have to a friend, leaned on the counter as she spoke. I nod

being gentlemen. Not to be stereotypical, but the overgrown beards on their chin and the look in their eyes came off as perverted

ap I sat on, caressed my cheek as he spoke. They burst out in laughter, probably at the lame sexua

ed up my eyes but I blinked them away. They might be perverted, but they

him, but his free hand yanked my hair backwards, stopping me. I looked around, sending pleading eyes to

deal with someone interested" I heard Alex's angry voice. I

e man whose lap I sat on a

urned to me. "The man at the corner of the room asked f

she replied with an assuring smile. I took off for the bar t

ck. I placed the bottle of Gin on the table with a glass, still, he never looked up, and it didn't help that he wore

't going to acknowledge

n my tracks. I turned on my feet and gasp when I came face to fac

I rested my weight on one foot and fold

t?" he spoke again, this time, opening

"And why do

lass to his lips. "I suppose I should treat y

ng to get under my skin, and I refused to fall ever so fooli


exasperated sigh and turned, ready to

poured another glass.


Gin and you can use the card to your he

in disbelief. This has got to

lied, sliding bac

he replies sinisterly, a smir

shot open

ass and rose to his feet, grabbed

ave to pay

, fished through his wallet and threw a bill

he finalised and walked out on me, leaving me perpl

rd and the bill of fifty and walking to the counter. I swipe

t's loaded" I murmured and

with a frown on her

tip five dollars" she slammed the tray on t

mind. "Are you free tomo

yes. "Why? You w

ssive tip" I replied, and we bot


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