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Moonlight Wolf

Chapter 5 Mating

Word Count: 1304    |    Released on: 10/04/2024

line to find a car and beta Joshua waiting for us. Phoenix got into the back of the car followed swiftly by Aidan. Joshua handed Aidan a stack of clot

we going

is very private. I mind linked our father and told him we needed a private p

mates, the moon goddess has blessed me with not one but two of the stro

on my forehead as the car pu

as he and Joshua sea

lear from them. After five minutes Phoenix picked me up

know.” I said

g for the first time and I enjoy having you

s he stepped up from behind us and kissed me

ed into the large house together as beta J

l of our warriors that came with

la and headed up the grand staircase to the s

up the center of it. Phoenix led me to the b

h after your shift my

ould” I

gan to run a bath adding scented oils and bubbles to

sweatpants I had been wearing. He picked me up in his strong arms and carried me to the bathroom. He gently placed me into the enormous bath tube as he and Ph

and arms with the silky smooth bath soap. Phoenix was behind me pouring water

thered it in. I could feel my wolf rising up wanting her mates my blue eyes m

them and be marked solidi

f back as his black hair fell into his deep brown eyes. Seeing his tan skin s

stepped out of the bath to grab three warmed towels, as Phoenix finished rinsing the shampoo from my hair. With a towel help out for Phoenix, Aidan wrapped one around his waistand help out a hand for m

ld of me and placed me on the bed as h

our mate before we can no longer hold our wo

thighs till he reached my wet throbbing core. Sliding two fingers into me and sucking on my clit me began to devour me. Aidan had gotten on the bed in


rom the pleasure Phoenix was giving me. Aidan released my nipples from his

. As I took the length of him in and out of my mouth I began to massage his balls with my other hand and

pped in to place. I was so distracted I did not notice that Aidan to was leaning over my neck and bit down marking me a

Soon they had switched positions and I could feel Aidan’s mouth on my w

cking on my nipples as I tried to recover fr

out my

ed to me as I recovered and said throug

heard through the link as Aidan came up behind me and slipped his cock into my pussy as well. I

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