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Cane's Obsession; Vanessa's Predicament

Chapter 5 The Escape Plan

Word Count: 2034    |    Released on: 09/10/2023

es over to Annie's room to inform her abou

s to Doss, asking to confirm who it was fro

to her through the closed door; "Pack your thi

but was also glad Doss was around. She feels good knowing he cared enough t

hroom with a tied Towel

get my thing

says as he turns

sks suddenly, as she stands and st

u okay?" "What the fuck are you talking ab

u asked Henr

out" he cuts in, raising his voice. "

nt for a while

o know…" as Doss appro

you're not my wife, so you do not even

s "But

er tone. "You're a prostitute who'l

rom Doss's mouth, tears roll down her c

a dirty slap to her face, the slap is so hard it throws her to the wall, sla

But he ignores it and says, "You're not a prostitute but you willingly followed a stranger t

bloody nose to reduce blood flow. "I'm sorry I messed up"

no idea what love is"

the beatings she'd receiv

irst and surely will be the last time, I p

tters and walks out of her ro

while, he feels ashamed of himself for hitting a woman, especial

n I be?" he th

and deeply regr

I can't apologize to her, if I did, I'll appear weak, and it'll prompt her to misbehave in the

r from the one they initially lodged in. On their way, Henry rides in front of Dos

nry, "I'm famished, and you must be as well" he turns to A

rby restaurant, just a few

staurant, they m

feeling?" Dos

, I'm just glad I'm s

your hands?" The questi

" He spe

as his words seem l

ands" he reassures her

to remain friends with Doss, not necessarily for Doss's wealth but for his influence and friendly personality. Doss is really friend

them sit at t

y as he stretches his hand across the table, and lifts Annie's face

e city, near the Hotel, the on

mention of the other hotel, remembe

s his PA; "Is the flight still a

." his PA respon

flight details to m

" his PA

rest hospital is in the city, just after the previous hotel?" He a

e thinking of a better opti

owly and mind

ting and leave

for safety, Henry goes in alone and does the

s asks in a very calm tone

direct response in or

first thing tomorrow," he says as h

for coming for me," she says with honest gratitude, "

are," he

If only I had kept quiet," she thinks to her

blame yourself for any of what happened to you

rupts; "we'

lk briskly into the hotel, in an attempt to avoid being recogn

s, one for Himself and th

!, Annie!!," Doss calls out

in as she wakes; She fee

tal with Henry" he says then he


feeling sleepy but goes

s at their

n," Dos

ands and extend m

, "I Know that isn't what we planned, but you have to leave SA for the time being, Terry's men, associates or whoever c

out Annie? Aren't we going to t

wrapped around her naked body and knotted above her breast

od," Doss ad

y as she dries her

ou" she

y about l

with Joy as tears come down her c

I felt really bad after killing a man for doing to you

ou because I love you, but I didn't want him

me, and even though it is now normal to you, it shouldn't be that way" Doss says because he had really

op an outsider from doing the same, they're only lear

motions, she coul

pleting the statement when he hear

t gun he had gotten earlier for protection and


izes the voice and open

ng for us, they even killed two persons," Henry says, "'If we had checked out, we would have died by now, nobod

to a new hotel they would have told Terry's men and that would have made them search in eve

ns, Annie, you'd have to endure for now. We'll go strai

ou know a safe route we

ry responds qui

's go!" D

rs behind as Doss suspects Terry's men had the description and p

stant, they prepare a temporary document to aid Henry in flying to Mauritius

elf and Dale, for dinner when she receives a call, her face goes pale, her eye

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