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Sold For Millions to the Mafia

Sold For Millions to the Mafia

Author: bobbysobio

Chapter 1 The Appointment

Word Count: 1607    |    Released on: 28/10/2023

open, she lay, still sweating profusely with eyes full of tears, she must have been

ghtmares'' s

of her, he lay there on the ground in a pool of his own blood, a bullet in his head, that left his head in a little split that showed a little bit of brain, blood running down his face and his eyes sti

d my sister so much. I will make s

properly. She brought out her diary beneath her pillow and opened the last few pages where

f the devil" she cursed, hitting t

r day for revenge would come. She closed the book and stood f

e of her client, she wore a black fur jacket to keep out the cold as well as cover up her unnec

she had seen a picture of him so she knew it wasn't this huge man, he was

ooking fellow," she

id with a smile, then walked in

looked outside, and there were men all over about six of them sat in the

e man who answere

odded her thanks before going up the stairs where s

pointed to t

e said as he point

twice she let herself in. It was a big messy master'

f, she saw the stacked-up package in the open dresser, and halfway across

an to the desk at the end of the room, she frantically looked around before

hattan port, code: 55517, title: cold gold. She heard the shower go off a

ngle chairs in front of the bed cursing as her heels made more noise than she thought they could, she sat down, dropped her small handbag on the table in

ed, jumping a little at t

said sarcastically with a smile, eyeing him h

sting on the sight of his groin, she smiled a

e asked walking to the dressing

answered, getting up to

ong Bella wasn't familiar with came on, and he increased the volume a little higher, then went ahead to pour himself a ha

ella stood and walked to him swinging her hips seductively, he placed his hands in b

" Bella warned trying

h very peculiar" he said sniffing in between her legs thr

er of 'Wild House' the birthplace of horror for her, where she had serviced men with so-

id, swinging her hips side to side, twisting and whining her body t

or her to take off her clothes, and she did, gently, one shoulder strap after another then let it fall to the f

d to toe. He stood, going over the home theatre, he increas

breast and began to suckle on it violently. Bella mana

round a terrified scoff escaping her lips and surprised eyes looked up at him. Hugo pulled her back up, grabbing her ass, kissing her neck and breast hu

ugo!" She cursed but the man

e deaf as well as blind at thi

a chance, this is his territory, he coul

nsporting Drago's package and she wanted to be a helping hand in sabotaging the packages, she'd insisted she w

the bed and then shoved her onto it so her bo

e then bent over and kissed it before sending a ha

she couldn't escape him, not with

know what I like, nasty girl,"

sweat drip on her back before he flipped h

happening, had she been caught spyi

fighting to push him off of her, she felt herself choke and her vision gradually be

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