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The Princess Is A Villainess

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1364    |    Released on: 09/11/2023

I was carrying the clothes I intended to sell. My stomach hurts fr

make sure to sneak in some food. If this cont


It was Albert, one of my old friends w

," I greeted,

provided me with food and

said before handing

as my stomach eased with the meal he gave me. I'm truly gr

ng, I bowed my head.

t he was leaving, but he spoke to me a

g to, and they were aware of the hardships I

ermission. I could only go out at certain times. I was worse off than a pr

er still not c

years since they stopped sending

the palace, huh?" He looked at me. "Why don't y

's wrath again. Before, I went out past the allowed time, and she em

ainful my scalp is bec

What if something really did happen to

sture. "I need to go somewhere. C

ered," he nodded,

made my way to the palace, no

d trees. In front of me stood a black palace that looked abandoned, far

I furrowed my brow as doubt crept

r a tree root, causing me to lose my balance. I screamed


rap around my waist and

which made me uneasy. I quickly stepped away and faced the per

y dream. My heart pou

ou," I man

e as I met his eyes. They were

, and was dressed in elaborate black clothing, similar to what I

r inte

ill me?" I blurted

ingly surprised by my sudd

ped me. Why wo

ections, I decided to put some distan

walking because of this. I felt an unusual warmth emanating fr

a furrowed brow. I couldn't let

closer, causing me to bump into his chest. "And weren'

an eyebrow afterward. Show respect

here was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but I could also see a trace of amusement. I didn'

I pointed towards the palace nearby. "I'm h

s your

he threw another question at me.

d confidently. "Am I right? Is this the Coroh

ad to toe. I took a deep breath, fearing that I mig

nger caring whether he had helped me earlier

t said. Don't you recognize m

I have to know you?" I blurted out. He was i

handsome," he said with a wi

ly was he arrogant, but

ice on someone like him. I noticed how he gazed at my lips

swallowed. My brows furrowed, but i

serious, quite different from before. "You need to t

repeatedly referred to me as a princess when I was just

nk I'm the person he needs to kill! Better safe than sorry.

softly said, just loud enoug

I decided to say it anyway. Of course, I

ing, but soon shook his head, returning to reality. "If you keep heading straig

o idea if what he was saying was true, but if he was just tricking me, he


And be strong." He lightly

nge shiver down my spine. Was it just me,

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