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The Alpha Revenge: A pawn in his game

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 608    |    Released on: 10/12/2023

shoulder as he walks to the chamber. He doubted if he had see

ight he'd doubted was seeing th

e Alpha king had towards the h

ilable within this chamber " his Alpha ki

cting, he'd had wanted to object and ask why but he dare not

fy form as he hurried to perform the ta

one by the room right. He shape-shifted back to his human for

a room in the chamber instead of the usual f

eady arranged room filling the room door with h

e ordered again as he placed

"Did he just asked for a physician instead of ordering

h his gaze still on the Alpha king sitting close e to

him, his throat became watery and he imagined what it'd felt like ripping the human flesh off and savoring her blood. He'd n

Alpha king charged at him placi

burning red with fury, anger emanating from his v

e gave a slight bow and the Alpha king released

Somehow, his gaze ran into his Alpha king eyes and his Jaw dropped, shocked on

what he'd had just done as he saw

" he muttered, Aldophose peered into the Aloha ki

ldophose said breaking away the tens

nges knowing from the time he had spent with the Alpha even in his

ht off and proceeded

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