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Afire Love

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1314    |    Released on: 18/12/2023


ess to our already complicated working relationship. As I attempted to respond to one of her questions, my eyes inadvert

ly full lips to her moist skin and reflected when light hit it, and her beautiful face, which I imagine lies beneath the plain bl

y hadn't. We follow strict legal rules during our unique masquerades to protect both our team and the guests. This commitment to

s if the captivating tawny-haired figure had triggered an explosion in my mind, scattering all rational thoughts like debr

rely a whimsical project that had evolved into a multimillion-dollar side venture; they were the lifeblood of our ever-expanding empire. They provided the means to orchestrate discreet gatherings wi

best friend, David, eyed me as I emerged from the

be sure the painting I'd jus

y of secret passageways. It was the first time I'd ever

attempt to steady my pulse. Pretending to adjust my monogrammed cufflinks wasn't c

of the strange sensations lickin

ixen was going to haunt me lo

expression fell into one of concern.

nding to admire the midnight blue of his tux. The charcoal sateen lapels of his

ably noticed. He noticed everything because that was his job.

ed frame in the penguin suit he

kier. It also made him whine like a little

hook his head and chortled. "Acting a fool because he

on's ballsy and stone-cold-stupid move. "The guy tried to pitch his lame-ass i

r than some second-rate tech

y for the past hour and a half. In a way, he'd

st his contracts with the government. He's got to be hu

tell me he was ready to go to trials. On live people. I don't already own the only known paten

passed on a meeting with P

unfortunate person's date. He probably figured he'd catch

stly. The guy just had fucking

up right away to lev

le tie. "We need to put in a call to our friends in DC about Jac

head in disgust. "That's so

e practical solutions from new ideas, not scary stuff. Let's watch

hould kick

s were legitimate science in development by B

ts shit together. I lobbied to make that my company's slogan, an

unfounded, untested, and totally unsafe. How the guy thoug

ven if his ideas weren't total shit, his repressed frat-boy rage and co

old man to really listen to much of his pitch. Not that I needed to hear any of

ople if he managed to bamboozle anyone int

id replied with a wicked grin. "Want me to have someone tai

king together. We could read each other like one of my re

together. I hated to admit how right he was, so instead, I gave him shit for

sniff to rid myself of the looming tensio

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