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Beg To Be Lover

Chapter 2 First encounter

Word Count: 2322    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


said. They weren't offended by me because the

y emotions!” I rolled my eyes "Just tell us tha

ent and even though I avoided him to avoid bumping into me, I still bumped

or people who are deprived of seeing the world bec

s appearance, I knew he was not serious about his st

say?" he asked

are still the ones who are not careful about what we are walking. Don't you ever wonder why some people have accid

the things he had dropped earlier. The corn


Which came directly from...” I read the name on his clothes. "Mr. L

said and my face crumpled. He called me kid?

influence value that one. I just hope he doesn't have any friends so no

ur uniform you're just in senior high and you're still in 11th grade but look at you. Are you using that? Did you know that you

e and black color. His beautiful hazel green eyes are so cold and blank. His long pointy nose, and his naturally reddish lips that a

andsome. But

d white longsleeve with its two buttons open, a maroon slacks and white

he is not a Filipino

asked me. I want to smile at him but I don't

se not everything we see is true. Let's not judge quickly because we don't know anything yet," I said in a cold voice.

ards me. "Why should we waste things that aren't really important? Admit it or not, we're also bored in some

meone's life. But that doesn't mean that w

re doing now is just wasti

see a student smoking and a girl. Don't you think that's interest

ng in other people's lives?" To be hon

he students are doing here and is it worth it being my father's sponsor. Because of all the schools

ly and this argument we are doing is just a waste of time. So I turne

ted and I just cried. I speed up my walk

. Because it is obvious to him that he

nd Prof Eldeyor was there. "Cashr

calling m

now you're the only one I can ask for a fa

, Professor?"

e will attend our event next month. Uhm, I would like you to tour our school

Prof," I refused. There are many students who are o

leave this to someone else. He might not like your seniors' attitude," she reasoned out. How about my attitude? I'm not

old but calm. You will not fail

he saw the person who spoke behind me

bergh." L

Prof?" I asked our professor and loo

, Cashren?" he a

We will only fight if you include me with that guy. So, choose someone e

Why do I have a different understanding of what he said 'to take with me?

I told him and I

his is for

icate, and you might just f

ly you can re

ut agree. Why did he choose me? It's okay if i


not a kid," I said cold

ittle ki

ldn't stop asking him with a loud voice and I re

how to speak in your l


You're h

ou?" I stood up whe

said and pointed to th

t's a shame,

your bo

ionship with a fore

though he is the son of our school's sponsor. I ha

nothing to do with them. In my

n't careful where we

problem, dude

sked me and suddenly he grabbed my waist because


ike this? No res

the hell


nce of Denmark that I read about in the article? Or m

ur full name? Are you from Denmark?” I asked

ndbergh? That's your full

" he stammered. I frowned because he didn't want to tel

ve boyfriends and girlfriends. Both of you care," he said to us. He gave us a ba

who can tour you inside of our university,"

ill be taken to Denmark to serve there? No one will know about that so you will be

ther, I also know that you are a fake prince, ju

now is an insult to me. Do you want your profess

al prince or

rince named Xenus Maicodel

osity I was reading about that and one of those names I remember b

ecial," he said as he clapped

alk to him because he might be a talkative boy but he was quiet the w

re to the Philippines

an important event that I become my

think of the

tion and despite their hardships they are still able to cope, you know. You guys are fun to look at, no offense. But I like it here because no

ine," I j

to Denmark?" suddenly he will

bout that?" I aske

ver j

know ab

y que

re beautiful than her," he flattered me again. "Thank you for giving me enough of your time. Here, take this... A

ack crown pendant?” There is also

y, Kitten,” he said and then he left me


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