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Make Me Beg

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 986    |    Released on: 14/01/2024

nd and waiting for El

er head, but the others could, but understand what was happening. Tiana, having taken two glasses of

feet after his friend had told him to go have fun, Lewis could feel his shaft all stiff inside his tro

l address to her, Elodie let out a smile on her lips and nodded her head, She made him understand

her friend,

lready sexually active, so you have no problem sending you off, besides I will say that

cisely what Elodie had in mind to do. Which was all good, and She told him to wait for her. The hotel was joined to the snack bar, and whi

she began to search for his room number as she wanted everything to happen so fast. Tiana is making so much noise under the influence of the alcohol that dye had taken as well drug,

to respond. Hoping that she had not made an error, the door could be given attention to, opening

ade a mistake in contracting her friend to Lewis instead of going for him herself. Her mouth was wide open just at the sight of his ba

him, Lewis, was already thinking of the different things that he would do to Tiana once they got inside the room. Asking Elodie whether sh

and pulled Tiana into his room. Being confused with the little senses that she had left, Tiana kept on asking where she was, but L

ght," he voiced out taking off her clothes and her shoes and bag from her body. Her skin

with her. He had already taken his bath and she was the only person he was waiting for. Pulling down his pants,

aking him know that it was ready for him, and having that thought, he kept his penis in his hand, and with the help of it, he pushed it inside at once and that caused her to jerk on the bed due to the pains she had felt. The pressure which came with it, made Ti

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