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Family Ties

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 18/01/2024

bitch Suzy fucking Gardner. I’m so fucking board. My friends have been here almost everyday after school

work the first few days of the week, but we’re not in all the lessons together and Matt wasn’t too keen on him keep coming over. My other friends had take


Ry co

r broth

he won’t

saw eye to eye Noah repulsed him, But chose

ng in. “I brough

said, clos

ey’re in th

e her

e’s like a permanent fixture.” She lo


I’ll be bac

ed sitt

ful very careful. He’d been spending a lot of time with her friends, now his too. He’d had so much fun with them once she began to trust him the fun and games would begin, but he’d have to be careful because of her god damn over protec

s he

d don’t be li

e wh


st don’t like he the g

boy if you’ve fail

Why are you ga

t don’t want to s

I w

cting you Avery d

ushing you away. I’m going back in or

be carefu

I said, wa

monade. “Here you go.” She said placing them

old sa


k. I’ll help you wi


r. You better start with them first.” H

know what I’d d


got her pen and books out. Openin

on them . His eyes cut towards them placing his

knock him th

good comes to

g smirk of his god damn mother fucking face. You did

e. We’ll get him

found anything o

ll the school’s systems they


e s

g to have to break in

is the best hack

ords, they have to have them somew

are we go

ere. Then when we’ve got enough evidence we confron


ah, just have so

have any in him wh

Call the guys we’re doing this tonight a


heir home work he smiled at her.

led, bl

gine a day w

im. “Are you fe

s you at school that’s all and I

n more

some of the guys are having a party next week

nded. I’ve be

weekends. I’ve asked you to come

essed it was her ass hole brother that was

gh you go two weeks suspension this is fucking rediculus

” She

s kissing her passionately. He moved and smiled.

pulled himself u

’s lover

the ba

t going Avery I know it must be hard to be suspended when you have

riends have bee

r want to hang I know

for th

now where I am if yo

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