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A contract with a billionaire

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 2225    |    Released on: 02/02/2024

on my face as I tried t

orld was he t

rong or perhaps, he was

at must

ans I want you to be my wife. We will sign a contract, the duration of this contract is one year. After that,

ng open wit

d I accept such a deal?

That's not something

wife. When the contract comes to an end, I'll write you a recommendation letter from YTC.In exchange, you just need to play the role of a dutiful wife.

d from the charming young ma

ubbornly pressed. I wasn't plann

id flatly but something about his tone of voi

this offer? Besides,I still have pictures of you forcefully kissing me at the club the other night

rd and with that, he kne

ou think anybody will believe su

I was dealing with

o give it a try

observing the both of us

room, she could see how Justin's eye

ting whatever he wants, and with the looks in hi

adies throughout the day and one by on

llow Miss Smith t

nd of person who gets whatever he wants and Samantha

hat is this about Miss Smit

t isn't the ot

r little argument, Samantha

that she almo

et, this had to be the mo

arassment? Wasn't he the one who pull

I accused, there was no way I was

kiss. But, do you have a way

e an understatement, he was loving every

ded to accept the deal. Wha

possible. Although the pay was good and I still had a number of debts to settle. I could also get a recom

ontract." I said

new one with a glimmer of hope. I stood a better chance of surviving and living

marriage registry office." Justin

t's a fake marriage af

easy as eating a cake. You need to convince people that

!" I cursed un

ith. I'll see you around." Sama

ent only to find the Old landlady waiti

ma'am?" I greet

house was overdue

out the afternoon?"

warn you. If you don't pay your dues, get ready to pack. I already got the next tenant ready

e moving in with him as stated in the cont

thinking about how life wi

had always dreamt of getting married and living a hap

stone from her dark past. Maybe after the cont

to sleep waiting for the sun to rise


self. I still had three hours before the agreed meeting time but I

to marry Justin, it's j

s for breakfast, I

y broken dressing mirror, looking a

aybe after the year ends, we can bury the s

wore her faded jeans and a white t-shirt bef

office in a cab. Minutes later,

ce the only available people were

fice was a park. I walked over th

rked outside the registry office a

k three piece suit which hugged his

t mine and

wards her. The look on his face told he

tion day, can't you dress de

Isabella did not know what was in

ife. What kind of clothes are those? Are we coming t

n in the marriage registry would send the wrong message. Compared

voice. Even though I knew he wasn't wrong to yell at me, it was

re it dawned on him that I, the woman before

e someone just

fered, " Come, I'll take you to chan

e man obedien

es of driving , we arr

ore instructing one of t

dolled up since Justin had ar

sing room, Justin could not he

ning? Or was I getti

oulder I wore did

figure, a figure

Justin took my hand before leading me back to

on the marriage declaration form. When it was my turn, I

ot help the uncertainty that cracked up in my heart. I was afr

he washroom, I took a t

ps when a voice so venomou

abella or did you find anoth

tion of the voice and was met

e I refused to marry you? Are you so desperate for a man that

. One was my ex boyfriend and

ed up and betrayed me be

lf righteous in front of me

bother with them, they

y when someone snaked h

age registration?" Justin's overly sweet voice caressed my ears,

e I hated the most, I

e documents. Turns out I have

head but I was at least thankful that he

adulterous pair before walking

er's face was enough drive

certificate ready. Surprisingly, Justin did n

ertificate ready, Justin lef

ted to help me move my

luables, the only things I

o take with me the

s found with outside the o

d outside an orphanage whe

t me thinking why on earth

parents were still with me. Or more like if I was

about it? It's not like I will

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