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Touch Of Death

Chapter 3 the message of that painting

Word Count: 2903    |    Released on: 12/02/2024



rt might look

furrowed when I saw the boxer and when I looked at him he looked at me hard as if to inform

his condo and I am sitting on the couch next to the piano and on the side is a glass

member what happened earlier. Now, I feel no fear but peace. I stood up and led him

e clothes he lent me. He's right, he's too big for me. His body is not very big. Vladimir has a good b

looked at me, I sat up straight. I b

e corner of his lips lift up a

hen he turned his back. I saw him stop and hold the edge of the kitchen, so I

me and took a deep breath. He quickly turned off the fire and prepar

asta. I'm a fan of Italian foods, but this one he cooked looks like he j

and I could see his sweat running down his neck.

I'm just gonna take a cold s-shower", were his last words as he

y paintings and I couldn't read what each painting meant because I'm not into arts. But out of a sudden, I sto

A black and white color but if you look more closely you will see the red color and a person or let me s


face. He was not looking at the painting but at me. The wetness of his hair is still dripping on th

y looks like a murder

furrowed because o

that painting", Wow?

u paint so well! What

th becomes slow and I can feel the fast pumping of my heart. I have an idea forming in my m

young age using the axe. That's my child

y and a creepy

hile I stopped myself from moaning. I don't know what to do a

was embarrassed because he violently inserted his other finger as if he liked it even more because I did

r me w

air because of his violent kissing of my vagina. I looked at him and

ized. I pressed his face to me even more because I could feel the pe

ed it and looked at him and that was the shock and masculinity of my e

e just


you talk

t what he said. It thundered loudly again and it was lik

to move from where I was standing. I don't w

even care. I took one step back. Even though the inside is

t believe yo---", I couldn't finish my speech when the door sudde

ve all rolex in their left hands and had the same shades on so their wh

d still stains his white long sleeve and some bruises on his face.

he was punched on his back

I'll kill yo

ld man's mouth was suddenly covered with duck tape. It

f the pain he suffered. I smiled because his finger applied to his wound and rem

bled when I asked him that. He s

t dumb so I guess you know it already. Stop as

mouth almost fell open because I couldn't believ

ve a note on their dead body and deliver

dded and smiled and he was the o

", asked the


ed to the old man and without saying anything he took out a gun and shot both of the o

never die", Vladimir looked at me and suddenly without

y fell to the floor. He gave the gun to

elieve no

ave you

moved the obstac

ter! No, you

ht that I saw pain in his eyes but

mara. I

I cried was the day my parents disappeared. But right now, I am crying

ill me too? Then do it! K

I saw that his men were about to rush towards me b

hate you! I

cked her hard. It thundered very loudly and I saw his lip bleeding because of

ll? Does that

didn't even move. He stayed still. Until I got tired

in? Maybe because I already like this shit. You'd

ra. Cursed me if you want

up from a bad dream oh. Just kill me to

I will nev

nd he was going to come closer to me but I moved further away from him. I took a deep breath

o I wouldn't recognize you. Fuck you, you thou


ce again. I don't wanna see you again, never again. I really hate you. You are a killer. Y


la b


because my eyes were only focused on the woma

ing all his strength to prevent it from hitting his neck. I didn't plan to play today, but when I was about to leave the u

rked and she lifted her head with all her might and looked

use now he's on top of me again. He was about

so mad r

h it D

ing at him and he was very loud and the people shouted even m


He got up and attacked me with his weak hand comb

amed and forcefully pulled out the knife that I hit he

n her spot, took a jump and kicked her neck

ing but not dead yet. The people here


so am


can defe

ath i

ft the place. When I got out, I was g

years and half of those years I'd spend it to train myself

sports car while his two hands were in his pockets. The w

a white sneakers. He looks like a car model. Vertex is

erchief and wiped my cheek which still had traces of bloo

I just looked at him. What he meant was that someone tri

eing the answer I always give when I have an enemy. When

I'll help y

anything an

ret agency where I am staying and working now. I am a member of this famous and secret agency. There are many of

50s and I treat him like a father. The people here envy me that much because I'm supposed to suck an

st snorted. Like I said, I am not a killer. In all the missions I haven't ki

them and walked towards the BR(bloodius room). I didn't knock and went in right awa

lazily and sat on the chair then drank some w

something on the table. I stared at

be a good g


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