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The Forbidden Mate

Chapter 3 Damien

Word Count: 1525    |    Released on: 22/02/2024


ndow, I could see the

had died and it was time I came home to ri

He mistreated my mother and me. He married another woman and that's one of the reasons I had to come back q

and rubbed my chest, in a bid to lessen the hurt. I would see a healer discreetly in order to ascertai

me. Pack members in small groups were chatting excitedly an

eta suggested as we walked through the back door, not wantin

k to my mother's room when a

t, the ache in my chest began to lessen and I longed f

?," Liam aske


ut my wolf, Raf,

he urged as he sud

didn't even realize I had be

ack much more stronger this time. RAF wh

thing," I said to Liam and he walked t

e y

on of the fragrance. The more I got closer to where i

w what it was and wh

, it led us to the kitchen d

t is that?

there. I can feel it, s


him complete the sentence

o be lost in thought and I stood st

rted as her olive green eyes widened, seemingly in shock. Her eyes held a mix of s

ted. "Ours!" He gr

was beautiful, not the kind of beautiful that was obvious, but the kind that came with innocence and she was curvy. My eyes roamed from her

on her hand. Her beauty that had blinded me quickly

is one," I

t was her I've been looking for, for 35 years. Sh

even more overwhelming than before when I had first in

, she doesn't belong in our

Ours!," he growled, possessivel

pbrother. Nobody would serve an

disdain, having been shattered by her extremely low status

ging me to make her mine. But I couldn't budge, I wouldn't. My d

ter," I barked, befor

my head as Raf kept whining,

owards the direction, against my will.,I heard two voices, a male and a fem

marks and Raf acted, growling at the pathetic man who pleaded for mercy, but Raf

her, going back inside to find my mother.

that I was her mate, or she was just too scared of me. She shoul

ame out all bubbly and excited.

he pulled away. She

ands to pinch my cheeks, but she couldn't due to my domineering height. She

d and pressed a

do miss her. I smiled, staring into her blue eyes. I looked

amien," she murmured as she

ack. "I'm here now, to stay for a very long

waiting for you…and there are many people

, mo

as gathered and stood at the front and as soon

glanced at their faces. Everyone had a s

s of being away," I smiled and continued. "I swear to lead you all in fai

ounding applause

ore I continued."I promise to restore the value of Redvine. I

I saw the females, all smiling and adjusting their dresse

ted at the thought of having to marry one of these women, but they would

, I didn't even know her name. She was carrying glasses filled with drinks int

ut I couldn't speak, I tried,I didn't know what was happening to me, all I felt was a very

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