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The Woman You Never Love

Chapter 2 The Woman with a white Blindfold

Word Count: 2431    |    Released on: 04/03/2024


she suddenly spoke. I took a deep

the end of her hair and

shampoo? Her hair smells good but I'm not used to her hair sme

rned out not to be?" I stopped what I was doin

eas on what he is going to say. He's been asking me weird

don't hav

swer it,

sband suddenly interrupted. I chuckled and kissed her

eaths and think carefu

ng of happiness and joy is real...The feeling of fear of losing someone is real...These feelings ar

he looked at me with mixed emotions. Hap

every time she gave me

ion I want to hear, hon." Her voice started to crack. My h

king, I finally came up wit

ch as I don't want to think about it , this question forces me to consider the possibility that my life could be a delusion. But even If all of this, all of the things, memories

ut him on my lap and hugged him tightly. I can feel the wetness of my shoulder. I only

ill lov

gined that word. But I guess it's just my imagination

he mall to wander around and enjoy our vacation

. I'm so proud of my wife. Being beautiful, kind, ca

nfinity! He is perfect in everything for me. No one can match

my body. It's annoying! I'm gaining weight! I'm really f-fasting for

ks at his body badly

is place. I pe

wly looked at hi

. You married an ugly man and

r to his neck. I hugged her back

removed his arm from hugging

nd how come you have no taste in fashion? That almost ev

at me and f

forehead whic

starting to say impossible things a

r cheeks. That's why I wa

he way she is! And I want her to remember that without me actually saying

y time. Every time I joke with him, he slaps my shoulder. I heard that hitting o

we decided to buy the clothes he wants right

a payment?" Charybell asked the cashier. A sta

it card do you want to use as

answered and took

looked down on me because I made him pay

ill not let my husband use his hard earne

ot just a wife of mine but

ot to do that!? Let me pay with my own m

and pulled her w

the things you bought. And if my money is your

and torm

ng an independent woman, y

p her hair

want. You are my queen, didn't

my head when i

ervant because you are my wife, my queen and the mother of my child.

I felt a pan cold in my body. He just hid and when h

le? I will just go to the restroom." I n

a girl who was carrying her father and her husband next

son hadn't died? Ahhh I want to be a father. But I can't force my husban

a child, I will definitely love my wife and our chi

rted out a name that I don't even

urned to a boy w

n to match his height.

oice softened whe

of me seems different... it's like I just want to tal

ooked at me innocently. I frowned because

laimed and tapped his squishy cheeks. I

er!" He shouted and

know who you are or


a white cloth covering her eyes while a maid was suppo

e woman with a white c

, Adamus! Are you going to kill me? Did

t tightened when I saw the child

do I feel

d my husband's voice. He quickly came

, let's try it!" My husband pulled me somewhere. When I thought of the b

my parents' h

s but they found out that we were

home, you came home a week ago. It's a shame." Mama sai

, Papa, Shion who is the youngest brother a

ou okay?" We all

y father's question whe

kin." My father loo

that?" My father's

ow the answer." My wife plainfully

d shook th

ying but I know that this is not th

htly pushed my older

hree years... three years have pass

osite of what I thought. Out of all the people

onsible, kind and mature. Not until I

aying victim! Out of many people why did this man in front of me, wh

n I answered his question with a shout

ut I won't tolerate you because of what you're doing to your wife! You even brought the girl there's no point in c

ommy supported the older

ms when someone h

ing me but he didn't pull away

he whispered and looke

is girl too, but mommy raised us to be a woman who didn't h

sister and every woman

the woman holding my a

lled my arm away from where th

ed and leaned my body

and knelt in front of

I know you're ve

two." When I hit him

t lead your brother. He still didn't know anything." S

o match her level

the truth. Three years. He was in the states with you for three years to make him feel better

ched her chin up to l

You're not bad with money and power either, so why don't you


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