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Falling for the possessive Mafia king

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1366    |    Released on: 05/03/2024

r's per

around. It's clear that no lady lives

pushed his fingers to my nose and arrogantly said, "And who are you to criticize my furniture and

moment, I wanted to strip off all my clothes just to see his reaction when he realized how beautiful I was. But I decide

ly, as Mr. Carl suggested. I could see his eyes examin

s. "Well, Mr. Carl, I can figure out who she is!!" He

eak, but Mr. Tomas interrupted him with a h

girl, the one who offended me with your morning article! Are you dumb?! You just did it for more money! Look at you! This is all

r do you actually need my expertise?" I asked, suppressing my ang

were unbearable. I wanted to stab his arrogant eyes with anything made of iron in front of me. However, I didn't want to end up behind

led. "You're nothing," Mr. Tomas

said simply, with ignorance, which seemed t

up that contract," I c

eave, walking away w

an't quit! You haven't even starte

I'd rather work as a maid for someone else than work a single minute for you. Good luck with your apathetic

now!" Mr. Tomas

person can't handle rejection. Men like Tomas Charl are use

ith you?" Mr. Carl stopped me by t

ry. I swear I'll make this womanizer r

ed to Tomas Charl, according to him. But I hav

, he's so sensitive. I know he has many faults. But

de, selfish, cruel man?! He's se

my job! And in just a month, he'll probably k

that!" Mr. Carl

n you know, Mr. Carl?" I crossed my

ever you want, but please don't lose yo

nfluence on me and could easily convince me that we hadn't met before. But maybe

ur job. The maids will bring your cloth

ing on a huge chair, chewing gum with indiff

use a room near mine,

asked M

d I am the one in charge. You just answer my requests. However, I will give you an an

need to sleep with you?"

have no interest in an ugly woman like you

t? You are so..." I would have sa

for the rest of your life, Miss," Mr. Tomas said bluntly and it scared me, bringing me back to r

commanded me sternly. So I angrily sto

," Mr. Tomas yelled loudly, mocking me as I climbed the stairs, indicating that h

Tomas," I mutt

dream-like. However, it was also cold, with white and black c

r. If you need anything, just call me or call the maids.

r. Carl." He left, but I called out to him

. C


ly. I hadn't gotten to see my pare

sed my head. "Of course,

late. Take a shower and join us in less than an hour, please," M

, and I hoped he wouldn't ask me for anything inappropriate at night an

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