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I'm tired changing you all( the demon is back

Chapter 3 Part 3

Word Count: 607    |    Released on: 14/03/2024


on fla

a smile as I approached him

it disappeared when he thr

worked hard on that," I said tearfully,

to cook for me?"

started to say,

e you or love you, and never will. You're ju

Drake," I pleaded tearfully, but he looked at

ationship now, so stay away from me," he said firmly and menaci

and looke

orrow there will be no more Nathasha Demonise Krimson bothering you. From now on, I'm signing off as a b!tch," I said with a fo

ionlessly before starting to

f flas

as crying again. It

len asleep from




rl is now cold, and she is feared in the Mafia world. She is also one of the youngest billionaires in the world, speaking sparingl

to th

the sunlight, so she stands u



morning routine room. After I went there, I he

brother called me,

s," he

I replie

ilippines," he said in a lo

a cold tone, dev

oblems, sis. I need to go, and I don't want

I said

smiled at me, and


king my clothes because our flight is

rings, so I look at it. When I s

: So

r guys because your mine only. I can't wait for the day t

ng numb

ht, f*c

ything w

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