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Shadow of the moon

Chapter 5 Sensation

Word Count: 1373    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

ers over my head and tucked myself in for more sleep. The air

elf. The light through the thin sheets let me see that I was definitely naked. My ey

ts, and the pillows were on the floor. My clothes lay in a pile beside the pillows.

. Every muscle was tense and sore. I stood and wobbled on my shaky legs. I stepped over to the pile of clothes and lifted my shirt. I

side and ran the other o

appened last nig

x with a stranger who climbed a four-story brick wall and broke into my apartment. Sure, he was handsome, but he was also a cold-blo

I yelped

I'd been out. I must've had my brains beaten more than the doctors noticed. Maybe I'd go back to that one doctor, that Lowell guy, and see wha

ock on my nightstand. My eyes w


had to wiggle into the pants. The shirt was tight across the front of the chest, but I somehow managed to get the buttons together. I made sure the collar

training meant that I jumped back and grabbed the butt of my gun. A grungy-looking guy stood in front of me. His baggy shirt and pants

ords were slurred and he swayed from side to side. "Hey

the hell are you?"

time together, but we'd have a better time if there was more of us." His lecherous eyes s


, but I'd have plenty of time to pick him up later once I picked up car so I could drive him back to the Precinct. As i

f hearts steps up to the front door. Not exactly handicap accessible and she didn't have as much space as we needed, but the old girl had w

ft side of the desk was a shortcut to the desks behind that one. That was the main department area where we processed suspects and spoke to witnesses. The plac

building where there was enough jail cells to fit the whole block full of dealers. My fellow office

higher ups. The guys, and most of them were male, looked up from their work and grinned at me. They weren't leering. Most of these guys were like brothers t

supposed to be mummified

way through

were dead," a

eath are greatly exa

e I've got some trouble

k when one of the men

ew Bart, and his desk stood opposite mine across the narrow aisle. We'd had our differences in the past, mostly on cases where we were shoved together.

ocs said you wouldn't be out of the hosp

et around him, but he stepped in my way. It was

ast healer, now mind moving? Stupidity is contag

take your sorry-ass excuse for de

now move it." I shoved him aside more strength than I t

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