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The Devil's Ember

Chapter 10 Be calm

Word Count: 1014    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

ed its gated entrance in a golden hue, casting

s black, stood tall and imposing, with designs

eating a mesmerizing play of light and

pon the entrance, its dark color seeming to absorb the light rather t

r hugged my figure, a deep shade of red that contrasted sharply with the pristine white of the mansion's fa

rance, Zayn's words ech

n this dress? I would probably

ead, it was a constant mantra: cross leg, sway, cross leg, sway. I flipped my hair

neers. "What are you doing here, you forgotten scum?" one of them scoffed, their words li

s a coon thing for them to because they know I was not v

them nothing, they had taken my fiancé, my birthright,

a calculated tone, I replied, "Just admiring the view of mediocrity from the o

rrogance to surprise. It was unlike me to engage in such verbal sparring, especially w

th the chores, I was like a slave in my own home. And they

," I stated firmly, refusing to allow t

. As I stepped inside, I let out a breath of relief, feeling the tension ease from my shoulde

ressed impeccably as always, her expression cold and distant. It was clea

ered the way she had hurt me for taking things that belong

ad of being flogged, and the pain of doctors stitching my injuries to hide them from m

dispel the haunting thought

sual icy demeanor to a sad smile. Such a great actress, I thought

not stay for the wedding?" Janice said steppi

oolish for her to ask me why I did not stay for the

c for letting them stea

Zayn had said

efrained from running into her arms

e?" My father's voice c

as he stepped into the house. "I am here to get my

. "You have nothing her

y anything. Don't say anything." Taking a deep breath, I managed, "I wan

here would you go? What do you even mean by birthright? You're still the heiress to th

iggest mista

gun on my head and told me to sign the paper, and if I had dared

threats, still st

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