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Chapter 8 Mistaken Identity: A Magnate's Encounter

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

ate for a Male E

rived at the office, she buried herself in wor

ministration department to the company’

om the elevator when th

evator in an imposing manner

etreated to one side and lo

are without warning. She immediately looke

. Carry on,” u

ent’s words. This was the first time they had heard him

ndow. Two bodyguards stood watch beh

sunlight reflected off his body, encasin

n is the father

te brushed it off immediately. She took her tray of

n, the annoying


and shifted sideways to

Our company’s cafeteria serves a luxurious buffet for

te lowered her head a

in the cafeteria today?” Charl

ague. She peeked at the table opposite theirs and lowered her voice. “Due to

haking.” Yolanda dar

med unfazed. “He might seem cold,

ell.” A male colleague voiced his curio

ident and I are clos

as if hinting at a deep

ou’re friends with Mr. Nacht.” The male colleagues hurriedly butt

ng a good job, you’ll get a promoti

nymore. She took her tray an

ter her. “Char

lotte’s foots

d in front of her. “Why are you

I don’t kno

ould finish, someo

e while her unfinished Bolognese

amed down his fac

tly regained his senses and wiped at the Bo

action, so she immediately apologized. “I’m sorry. I d

she realized that the person who had bum

ion was icy as he

k in a daze. Was he the one

our bodyguards by his side at all tim

e... he did

oing, Charlotte?” Wesley roared

Zachary had disappeared and explained meekly, “It was the

pushing the b

ey and asked coldly, “Are you sa

” Wesley hastily explained, “I

one who’

solemnly reminded, “Watch where you’re going next time,

ley lowered his h

s face, Charlotte cheered silently in her h

dare to harass me

otte was secretly rejoicing, his

evator doors closed, and he pic

he doesn’t have the chip with him. He

sing, but he’s remained tight-lipped thus far.

ork on him.” Zachary ordered, “ Check the surveillance footage

ook into it

ous meal had already been prepared by Mrs. Berry. So

on Ellie’s shoulder, rubbing its

y eat it like it usually did. Instead, it shook

etely untouched, she anxiously said, “Mommy, Fifi hasn’t eaten

’s wr

urry little head, but it l

nt through at the mall the other day?” Mrs. Berry

t.” Charlotte nod

, hesitating for a while. Finally, he could

ld thingy. That’s why i

Charlotte blink

ndicated with his fingers. “About

ce of gold like that in our

t the mall, a masked man in black

cartoon?” Robbie rolled his eyes

s tr

day in detail. By the time he was done, eve

d with laughter. “Jamie, your

Robbie rolled his eyes ag

Jamie’s cheeks were flushed red wit

more food. “We’ll bring Fifi to see th

octor first.” Ellie was only concern

feeling grea

r checked Fifi and said that it was indigestion, probably due to eating something

hen that gold thingy comes out of Fifi, all

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