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YUANFEN : Destined to be

Chapter 3 KIANA

Word Count: 1243    |    Released on: 03/04/2024



ream was heard in the entire hospital as he finally gave birth to her

as he waited for their pup to be born. It was only when he finally heard his very own d

hing aside from the loud cries of his baby His eyes widened w

s heart flutter wildly. Her scent is a combination of peony with a fresh note of agrums. The scent also gave him a heartwar

ow." one of the Beta nurses came outside to

before he followed the nurse who guided hi

yrus is alone with his mate

ke theirs, occasions like giving

huge bouquet of flowers and a basket full of fruits when he learned t

ing that slowly crept in his head upon remembering the nonch

her was the best thing that happened in his life. He really th

he small pup lying beside his mate,

uttered as he took another s

to say upon seeing her alpha who

since he entered the room, and it was only t

were. You did well, my moon. You did well delivering our princess." Cyru

uttered as she tried to lo

eed to rest, love. Don't worry I will take care of her." Cyrus

en she saw how her mat

u trying to kill me? That'

e, but she ended up crying out at the pain that suddenly hit her th

e smelled his mate's blood

r princess, just look at her peacefully sleeping on my hands." Cyrus even leans closer to show his mate that their pup is indeed sleeping peaceful

yelling at each other?" the omega asked her ma

nine months Love. Of course, she already knows our voices." Cyrus grins

their pup. She still couldn’t believe how everyt

way. She still remembers how they both eloped, and searched for a judge to officiate their marriage without their family and friends. She still re

whirlwind enter your house, thinking that it will

the older alpha, he chose her and for

like that?" Cyrus asked when he n

ll him what she was thinking o

that it bothers you so much

te."You're looking at me as if I'm weird?" Cyrus replied with

led at h

as my mate. You and our pup...you are the best things

n again when he saw the t

hy are you crying my moon?" the alpha moved his pup to his o

e tears of happiness," She replied before she lif

our pup, our Kiana." Aria finally says the

upon hearing the name of the

ana will be loved by

Aria replied before she finally

e when he realized that she wa

e whispered before leaving

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