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The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 4 Not His Type

Word Count: 1647    |    Released on: 07/04/2024

and it felt like the universe was punishing me for a sin that I hadn't known I

Art?" I asked our butl

And I believe you have met at school since he told me you are classmates." He said, and I don't know wh

, Oliver?" I aske

once again, and I tried to control my voice as I sat down on my chair. And if I wasn't only hungry, I have already retreated to my room, but I can't starve because of our unwelcome guest, and t

d I could tell there was something about him that I can't quite explain. And I know even if I felt angry towards him because for the first time I met a guy who didn't care about my beauty at all,

intensity that made my knees feel so weak, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing, and for

't believe for the first time someone had ignored Victoria Winner, and he was hurting me inside. And I hate to admit that my classmates at school, especially K

ntry, which is why the cheerleaders hated me, that they all protested when I attempted to audition to become a cheerleader. I am top of

se the students at Zenith Academy except them love and adore me. I could tell this time they got a boy on their si

n do for the rest of the school year. I realized I needed to stay away from his kind even if deep inside me I am so

let out a soft sigh as I got up from my chair feeling so lost, and I hastily climbed the stairs. The

t so excited to hear my mo

your dad instead of me." She declared,

e anyway," I replied

if I am their only child, my parents told me not to call them unless it was an emergency, and that is one of the things I

he middle of my meeting." My father said, and I felt a pang on my

and what he is doing in our house. You could have at least told me ahead of time tha

ady there? That is goo

long time, and I wondered how important Oliver Pri

advance, but Oliver is my best friend's s

ou I needed a bod

rotect you." He said, and here we are again, and I felt goosebumps cover my entire skin when I heard my father's words. It was too much information for

bastard to watch over me 24/7, and why do I even need

explain everything to you right now, but I know you, Victoria, you will

im, Victoria, for your safety, and of course, Oliver Prize will play an important role in your life, more than you will

sweat pants. My mouth hung open when I looked at his six-packed toned body, and I couldn't believe I would be st

He said, and I felt my entire face turn crimson as I snapped back to reality, and his remarks made me feel so embarr

ed Oliver to touch me and bring me into his arms, yet the way he told me I could never be his type made me madder at him. How could he tell it on my face? And I hated myself

thing before I further humiliate myself by throwing myself at him because I can't deny it; he is the first guy who made me

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