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Snitching My Bestfriend's Billionaire Husband

Chapter 3 Mother's duty

Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

sponsibility of teaching them important life lessons and instilling values that would guide them through their lives. We are here

her own health and well-being. She was a little fighter from the moment she was

up at me with a small smile. I gently hold her hand. As she squeezed my hand, I knew she was going to b

our class," I jokingly said

plied, "I'm dreaming of cereal, and I can't waste it." Our lau

our dream, turn it down! I can buy you a lot of cereal when you

and play with them. I held onto that hope as tightly as I held her hand, knowing that our laughter was the best

doctor with news about Aoife's treatment plan. I prayed silently

y heart sank as I followed him out of the room, fearing the worst but still clinging to hope for Aoi

ent," the doctor bega

ly, her body has not accepted any treatment we gave her. I'm sorry, but we all

ruggled to process the heartbreaking news. I felt a lump form in my throat as the reality of the situation sank in, knowing that w

hing for her, Doc!" I pleaded,

he best care possible," the doctor assured me, his com

her bright smile and infectious laughter. I held on to hop

y face as I tried to gather the strength to face the uncertain future ahead. My hear

d at a cafe near our house. I also do online selling to make an extra for her medical expenses, but since she will be in the hospital, the

urs and ask for an advance on my salary to cover the mounting medical bills. I knew

help cover my daughter's medical expenses," I pleaded. I knew that my daughter's health was th

n't guarantee an adv

n salaries," the supervisor replied sympathetically. I end the call feeling defe

n gave me earlier. I quickly dialed the number on the card, hoping that Sean could offer some assistance in my time of need. With a

e him a chance to help us out? After all, d

hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's me, Mol

elp with?" I took a deep breath and explained that I need money

used for a moment before finally agreeing to meet me at the cafe near the hospital

money right n

r a moment, "W

Divine Mer

ess there is some

money right n

r a moment, "W

Divine Mer

ng in return," he replied sternly, hi

it is," I promised desperately, hoping to c

t you need," I added, trying to show him

there in

he hospital. I quickly thanked him and hung up

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