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Echoes of Evasion

Chapter 2 My Coma Bridegroom

Word Count: 366    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

eyes gleamed with a hint of enigma and peril, a sight that nev

master bedroom in a flurry of panic. As he fled, sweat poured down his fac

Elijah truly awake? Wasn't he supposed to be beyond consciousness? Stricken by fea

ye movements did not indicate true wakefulness. Despite Violette's lingering unease, Lacey's assurances pro

houghts of Elijah's precarious condition and the implications for her future. With a heavy heart

nt figure before her, her words falling upon deaf ears. As Elijah remained motion

was met with the watchful gaze of the Bourne family elders. Amidst polite greetings and pleasantr

oaching the topic of Elijah's future. With a mixture of surprise and trepidation, Violette lis

posal. As the Bourne family's expectations loomed large, Violette found herself at a c

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