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Seducing the Playboy

Seducing the Playboy


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 773    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

een's pe

she was the one from the moment we had sex for the first time. My football coach advised me to settle down e

doing well in college. I barely passed each year. In my third year, wh

me think about buying a new house. I came from a midd

in bed. We also enjoyed drinking alcohol. Every day ended with us having a bottle of tequila

ving the wedding party. It had three floors: Viola and I took the third floor, our pare

she was engaged but had ended her engagement a week ago. I assum

I completely forgot she was coming and left Viola in our suite to go

in one of the dark corners, and I couldn't see clearly. My curiosity got the better of me, and I tiptoe

d closer without caring if I would be caught or not.

body trembled with pleasure. She played with her nipple

as turned on. I gasped, and she immediately turn

ped and stutter

at the bulge in my pants. She pushed me to the side, checked upstairs, and then she touched my

arely managed

me for watching her, but then she said

my eyebrows and as

I moaned, and she offered, "What if we have sex right here, rig

And no one

d and sai

s upstairs. I forgot that I was getting marrie

t. I could never forget or e

til I reached orgasm. We continued for multiple rounds

d said, "Asshole, I'm not your fiancée. You shou

body and face before quickly putting on

ertain that I would never be able to forget those m

attended my wedding t

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