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Little Red Riding Witch

Chapter 5 A Moment of Comfort

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 14/04/2024


, trying to remember what he said about tea. Espec

t here I am, fantasizing about someone I hardly know. Yes, he’s manly in ways I’ve never experienced, animalistic and raw, while still tender and considerate. He’s nothing at a

% sure he isn’t

llers also be

ess, I take a look around as

uxury. There are built-in shelves along the hallway next to the kitchen. My curiosity guides me to a family portrait. He is standing next to a tall woman with exaggerated curves, a red-lipped smile, and a dress that seems out of place in such a rustic environment.

she is Raf

ook very hap

from behind me. I jump as he places a careful hand

did scare the crap out of me but I wasn't ab

l smirks confidently as if he i

ask nervously, fearing he mig

nsidering how much to share. "Yeah,"

As in p

fesses. "Although we were married in the traditional sense,

etly. "If that isn't too

ancisco I think. I don't

u have

l a baby, a baby who needed her, but she didn't care. She has never tried to contact him. She handed over full custody when she moved

st be in," I admit. "I have never been in a relationship that lasted tha

terrupts me. "Even knowing what I know now,

t it must feel like to be happy f

hed tears. I place an uncertain hand on h

his face against my hand, almost like a big puppy, I feel the warmth

ppreciation of such a simple gesture that just makes me come apart

ither one of us wanting to be the first to mov

, "Does it ever hurt

let you know when I know," as he places a gentle kis

ees" but never understood what it means until that moment. I almost f

ed somewhere to be, someone to cry on, I'm here. You can count on me. I'll never betray you or take

out how I was feeling deep inside. As long as we were having fun together, everything worked. But t

"just friends"? Would he have been th

ng tell

xel would be. He would take

waiting for someone to

s on my hair, my eyes, and my cheeks. These were not the kisses of

e whispers as he rubs my

like I could believe ev

rdly into my hair, not yet meeting my


ould hang o

but I think I might want to be much more than tha

e adds "I'll be anythi

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