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The Billionaire's Substituted Bride

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

kept staring at the sky. "Can I sit beside you?" he s

I ask you

he muttered,

you should

s a bit too harsh?" he

I told you

was too angry to liste

ning to what he was sayi

you go?" Cl

g at the bar tak

resh air. She did not tell you?" I ask

were trying to tel

were trying to tell me," I mi

me guys here," Claire mut

to go out with e

the VIP section? They ar

onversation, but I turned to s

aire asked and I shook

s clearly, there was no wa

ungry for sexy lap dances,"

you talk

slightly. "Y

tared at my wristwatch. "It's past midnight. W

ou're the craziest girl I have ever met and, at the sam

zy admirable girl?" Clai

e crazy bitches". I stood up.

taring at me was a strange guy. He seemed to be very

oed and I fur

he talki

I told him, pull

me. Bella, please don't."

towards us an

titude", they apologized

artbroken," Lucy

t's leave this place please," I

ys on the table. I was sure Olivia would close every door and w

I need to get them." I

me with you

ary. You should wait for me

Lucy a

for it in my bag, but there was no key. I became frustrated. There is no way I will be able to go

, please?" he mutte

want to sp

ten to what I have

you have to say?" I

p. I turned quickly and landed a slap on his face. The

u just

have done more than t

aggressive?" he asked and I s

ong, huh? You grabb

ke. I wanted to

", I snapped at h

out calling p

abbing ladies by th

u that was

nt me to be

ou're just a m

a frustrated

ated? Are you being

ms. "Are you n

be having this conversati

flicking my fingers across his face.

ting my time talkin

we do not meet, or I will make

better not see you either, because

know w

about who

tered, and I raised my

to h

the club, leavin

I was about to come in t

importance. I think I

tonight," Claire said, and I nodded. S

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