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Aml Fayez Ahmed

Aml Fayez Ahmed's Books(2)

You Can't Run! My Beautiful Bride.

You Can't Run! My Beautiful Bride.

"I slapped you not as your wife, but as a woman who can no longer tolerate your insults. The pain will remind you never to disrespect any woman again," Amelia said boldly, despite her trembling body filled with anger and fear. Max looked around as people whispered about how she dared to slap him in front of everyone. Some eyes showed sympathy and disgust, while others seemed to relish the scene. Unable to contain his anger, Max pressed his lips against hers. Amelia Cooper hated all men in general. Since her childhood, her real father had abused her and her mother, caring only for his own pleasure with prostitutes. When her mother divorced him and thought she had found a better man in Richard, Amelia moved into his house with her. However, it became clear that Richard was no better than her father, "Jerry Cooper." He made her mother's life worse and began to harass Amelia. As Amelia grew into a woman with attractive features and curves, this only fueled his lust, and no one dared to stand in his way. He pushed her mother off the second floor, leaving her life hanging between life and death, and thus he controlled Amelia, threatening to kill her mother if she didn't comply with his demands. Meanwhile, he had a different plan that Amelia rejected and didn't want. To him, she was disposable, so he decided to sell her and profit from it, arranging a forced marriage with a wealthy man. A man known as the most mysterious and notorious figure in the city, a man who had achieved everything through ruthless means that people couldn't imagine. For a man like him, women and family were truly expendable. At the last moment, she managed to escape from her wedding and the marriage contract. But to her astonishment, the man she thought would be the love of her life was precisely the man she fled from. Max had been pursuing her since their wedding day. Initially, he just wanted to know more about the girl who had dared to humiliate him in front of all the important men in the city, but later, his feelings evolved into something else. When he learned that she wouldn't accept his true identity, how long could he keep this secret?