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Andrea Luna

Andrea Luna's Book(1)

Parallel Love

Parallel Love

The world we live in actually has many dimensions. Only humans are never aware of it. If we get deja vu, it's a sign that we, who are in another dimension, have done that activity before. If one of us comes to an extent where our figure is still alive, rest assured... we will disappear. At least we should switch places. That's what happened to Alice. Alice swapped with Maya. Alice was trying to walk alone in the woods when her best friend Molly had a wedding. With only a cheap flashlight that he got at the hotel where he was staying, he walked through the forest, until finally he was trapped in the mud, which sucked him in slowly. Until Alice was powerless to lift her body out and Alice fell into a hole that was a sea. A different dimensional sea from the world Alice lives in. The dimension where Taran lives. Different world. Different continent. The same humans as the world Alice lived in. Alice was saved by Taran, who was at sea at that time. Finally, Alice stayed at Taran's house. All the residents of Taran's house, namely Taran's servants, Taran's friends, and even the people on the Island where Taran lives, are hiding something. Because Alice's face is the same as Maya's, Taran's wife disappeared on the same day when Alice appeared a few hours and was presumed dead from the list of people on the island. As long as Alice lives in Taran's house and on the island, Taran likes Alice. Even though Taran had liked Alice ever since he saved Alice when she almost drowned in the sea. It could be said that Taran had loved Alice his whole life. How come? Taran met Alice when they were both in high school for the first time. Through dreams! Real dream! Which Taran realized, but Alice didn't. Taran doesn't dream of Alice anymore when Alice likes someone in real life. This makes Taran frustrated and considered crazy. Likes women in his imagination, plus Taran finds Alice in his world. Maya Fitria. Too bad Maya isn't Alice. Taran marries Maya without even touching Maya as a wife. Taran still doubts Maya. This causes Maya to run away from the house and is accidentally sucked into the light hole. The light hole led Maya to Alice's world, while Alice entered the light hole through the mud in the forest to Maya's world. They swap places. Will the truth be revealed that Taran is married and has a wife similar to Alice? Will Alice be able to return to her world? What happened to Maya? Does anyone know that we live and have a twin in another world?