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Anita_grace's Books(2)



My whole body began to quiver as I looked up at Ryan who wore a smug or was it? I couldn’t tell as my vision was blurred with tears. “What is the meaning of this?” I questioned still in disbelief. Where had it all gone wrong? We were happy, he respected me and so did I…I even fell in love with him so how could he do this to me?!. “It’s exactly what it says in the paper, Ciara” “And what is that?” I stubbornly inquired. It was as if I didn’t want to believe what the paper read until Ryan says it with his own mouth. A part of me still wanted to fight for whatever we still have left; still wanted to protect our marriage. But then he’d said it. Ryan had uttered those words I so desperately dreaded,” I want a divorce, Ciara” *** Ciara is the heiress to her father's company but she left all of that to be in a contract marriage with Ryan. It was supposed to be a 'no-strings-attached' kind of feeling but, she couldn't help but fall in love with him. Just when she wanted to start a clean slate on their first anniversary, she was handed a divorce paper. Ryan is a billionaire and a man with a hardened heart. He never saw Ciara as something more than just a 'fake wife' who was willing to help him out with a case. Deciding that he had had enough, Ryan hands Ciara a divorce paper setting himself free from her but 5years later, he seems to have a change on heart and wants to win Ciara back at all cost. But on his way to the office of the new investor lot his company, he sees a five-year-old boy who looks exactly like him and that wasn't the only shock but the name of his new investor was Ciara. The same Ciara he'd known and once loved. What happens when this two dual meets for the first time since their rough divorce? Would they rekindle their feelings or would they leave it at that? And what about little Oscar, who had ways been curious to know who is father is?. Find out in this long rollacoaster ride!