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Anucom's Book(1)



Evelyn Stevenson, a sweet,beautiful young girl in high hopes of reuniting with her lover after 10 years. " you should go reunite with him". " i don't know,what if he doesn't recognize me anymore,you know it's been years since we had contact with each other." Sandy Mazano an arrogant,wealthy business man in New york who was eve boyfriend in high school ,who believes nothing but money,when eve finds out that her lover who she thought is no longer hers. " how many times do i have to say this,woman are distractions, i am not interested,okay?". When they finally meet,it was not what eve had imagined it to be as a fairytale "we were young and childish,I will give you time to forget about me ". sandy says. "I am not missing him,am missing who he was". eve replied. eve hopes were broken by her only source of living who hates her and has nothing to do with her, now she's all alone in a strange world. i couldn't believe my ears"what did you say?". " you heard me,get married to me". "is that a request or an order?". " you have until tomorrow morning to think about my proposal." Eve dressed in a white wedding gown." i can't believe this is happening, i am marrying sandy mazano". " what did you think,that this marriage is all about sweet beds and roses,i am so sorry to break it to you,this is a marriage based on contract not a love marriage,so wake up and stop daydreaming cause this..." sandy said codly,pointing to the both of us," will never happen". he said finally leaving me in a crying mess. sandy and eve continued to live as strangers in a loveless marriage or did they?.