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Bernadette Faustina

Bernadette Faustina's Books(2)

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"You have to k!ll him" The goddess said. "I can't!" She cried. "You have to!!" "I can't, I love him" she said. "You have to k!ll him, you are the chosen one" The goddess said. "Then I quit being the chosen one, choose another person, I can't k!ll the man I love, cause of some silly prophecy!!!" She shouted and the goddess grab her neck. ******* The city of Cuba is been hunted by the demons of the red fire for years. They do appear at night and kill as many human as they want. The questions now is........ Will they be able to be stopped??? If yes??? Then who can stop them???. Luella Arturo is a restaurant chef at Trim restaurant in Kentucky in the United States. She is 24 years old, She's a beauty in definition, brown eyes, White skin, slim fitted body, round @$$ and a silky brown hair She is the chosen one among the immortals. The Immortals are a group of powerful beings who possess different types of supernatural power. She is choosend to save the humans from the demons cause of her extraordinary supernatural power The demons are no match for her, she kills them and turns their bodies into ashes. Her identity is hidden from everybody expect her family and few of the trusted immortals. She Fights with a mask on and none of the demons had ever seen her face before. But then ...... She got trapped in love with her mortal enemy, the most powerful demon of all. The demon who is choosend to kill all immortals. She is fated to kill him and not to fall in love with him. But now she did fall in love with him. Will she be able to kill him or watch him destroy the humans and her fellow immortals???.... Or she will forgot the fact that she loves him and get in a bloody battle with him???..... Do you wanna Know how it will end???..... Then join me in this mind blowing story. "She's auto k!ll him and not to love him" "They are meant to be each others mortal enemy and not to love each other" That was the voice of the prophecy.