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Britney Wals

Britney Wals's Books(6)



Nova is a young werewolf who has been isolated from the world for 17 years. She has never met another werewolf, and she has no idea of her own true nature. One day, Nova's father comes to her with two shocking pieces of information: she is a rare white werewolf, and she must choose a mate from among the future alphas of the four other packs that her father controls. Nova is horrified by this news. She has never wanted to be a werewolf, and she certainly doesn't want to be forced to mate with someone she doesn't know. However, she knows that she has no choice but to obey her father. Nova sets out on a journey to meet the future alphas of the four other packs. She quickly realizes that the world is a much more dangerous place than she ever imagined. She is attacked by other werewolves, she is hunted by humans, and she is forced to make difficult choices that will shape her future. Throughout her journey, Nova begins to learn more about herself and her own true nature. She realizes that she is stronger and more capable than she ever thought possible. She also realizes that she has a choice in how she lives her life. She doesn't have to be a pawn in her father's game. Nova's transformation is both physical and emotional. She grows stronger and more confident, and she learns to embrace her own unique identity. She also learns to stand up to her father and to fight for what she believes in. In the end, Nova chooses a mate who loves her for who she is, and she helps to unite the five packs under a new leadership. She proves that even a rare white werewolf can make a difference in the world.