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Dâu Thích Ăn Dâu

Dâu Thích Ăn Dâu's Book(1)

The Bloundless Dream

The Bloundless Dream

Perhaps anyone in their life has ever "dreamed", no matter how big or small, whether short or long. At any age, we often have the desire to turn beautiful dreams into reality and leave bad things behind. Dreams are a magical, mysterious thing that no one has been able to decode until now. Dreams are sometimes clear and detailed, sometimes vague and difficult to understand, sometimes strange, interesting..., filled with colorful nuances. And of course, no matter what, we will always want to have beautiful dreams and wish they could come true. But... Think about it, what if one fine day you fell into an eternal dream loop? In that place you cannot know who you are, what kind of person you are, you are just a puppet controlled in the universe of dreams. Can't wake up forever. An uncertain world - where the senses become useless. and only human imagination can adapt to it. A strange world, but convincing enough to make us not want to return to the real world. There are trees there but we cannot see or smell them, nor can we feel them. And somehow, we still believe it's real. So strange and magical, right? Don't we often perceive real things with all our senses? The answer is: We are in the "Dream World" - where we cannot perceive all surrounding entities with our senses. Each of us has our own Dream World. When the real world doesn't let us do what we like, want, and desire. Or simply, when life is too harsh for us, we will go to the Dream World - where both dreams and nightmares exist in one world. Here, we can do what we like, what we want - things that we cannot do in real life. In "Dream World", we cannot perceive all the surrounding entities with our senses, and that is so strange and wonderful that we still believe it is real. It's the same when I write. Whether it's essays or stories, it gives me a feeling of comfort, a feeling that in real life I'm limited in every aspect. Here, whether it's a dream or a nightmare. Whether good or bad, it is what we desire in the real world. Even though it's just an illusion, it still feels very real!