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Diwa Amari

Diwa Amari's Book(1)

Shadow of the Past

Shadow of the Past

Marco's eyes fixed to the young lady as she entered his clinic.He cannot believed in his own eyes that this lady was the little girl that he had been avoiding back then.His parent adopted the little girl after her mother died due to the road accident.Every time he sees this girl, triggered his traumatic past.And one of the reason he left to the US and stay away for many years.TO HEAL HIS PAST.But when he came back home,their attraction reignited.He cannot denied the fact no matter how much he avoided her. "What do you want,Cassandra?"His cold voice echoed in the room.Cassie can sensed his hatred and coldness towards her.She was deeply hurt by his accusation and by what he thinks about her.But she did not showed any emotion on her face.She acted like she was not affected by his cold treatment. She walked closer to Marco's table and put the folder on the table without saying anything.Looking at the document,Marco's jaw clenched and gritted his teeth.He stand up and walked towards her, so close where she is sitting.His tall figure towering over her,their eyes meet,she challenged his sharp looks without backing down. Cassandra tried hard not to breakdown,she does not want to show her weakness with this arrogant man.Her heartbeat pounding so hard as Marco's face getting so close to her face.She can feel his fresh minty breath fanning on her face. "You do not need to seduced me again,Cassie....."His voice is so sexy as he whisper in her ear. "Because i'm very much willing to make love with you."And give your shares of inheritance, i know that's what you want. "Slapppppp!!!"Cassie's hand landed on Marco's face.But her hard slapped did not moved him a bit.Instead, he grabbed the back of her hair while his other hand is tightly cupping on her face as he kissed her lips hard.She struggle to get away from his grip but he is strong.He managed his tongue to get into her mouth.His kiss deepened while she was trying to pushed him backward.He switched into a passionate kiss and his hands slowly caressing her back. As he tried to pull her up on the chair ,he wrapped his strong arms around her back while continuously kissing and seducing her with his tounge tasting her wet sweet tounge. Cassie's knees are weakening by his touch as he cupped and squeeze her sexy ,bubbled butt .She clinged her arms around his neck looking for body support ,arching her back, pressing her body against his.Their breath are racing together when Marco stop kissing her lips and start brushing his lips on her neck to the lobe of her ear. You are a torture to me ,Cassie......you are my cursed,like my shadow that would never leave me alone.....Marco's soft whisper in her ear awakened her, back to reality.