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Ekelose's Books(4)

Shadow And Stethoscope

Shadow And Stethoscope

Allison Jones, a compassionate nurse, faces an unexpected twist in her life when she discovers her father's deep ties to the Italian mafia after his death. Left burdened with his debts owed to the notorious Agosta family, Allison reluctantly agrees to treat criminals to earn money and protect her mother, Belinda. Unaware of the danger she's stepping into, she receives a late-night call to tend to a wounded man, who turns out to be none other than Leonardo Agosta, the feared Don of the Mafia. Leonardo becomes fascinated by Allison, proposing a contract marriage to shield her from harm and solidify their connection. As they spend time together, their bond grows, but their relationship faces challenges from rival factions who see Allison as a vulnerability. Unraveling the mystery behind attacks on both Leonardo and William, another figure in the underworld, Allison discovers her friend Wesley's involvement with the dangerous "Greens" organization. Their love becomes a source of intrigue and danger within the Mafia as secrets surface, alliances are tested, and Wesley's sinister role in Allison's father's death is revealed. The climax culminates in an intense confrontation between Allison, Leonardo, and Wesley, with their choices shaping their destinies and the future of the Mafia. In the denouement, Allison realizes the grave dangers surrounding her and takes control of her fate, no longer content to be a mere pawn. As she confronts Wesley, readers are left eager for the next installment, where Allison's strength and resilience will be further tested in the dangerous world of the Mafia.
Shadows And Stethoscope.

Shadows And Stethoscope.

Allison Jones, a compassionate nurse, faces an unexpected twist in her life when she discovers her father's deep ties to the Italian mafia after his death. Left burdened with his debts owed to the notorious Agosta family, Allison reluctantly agrees to treat criminals to earn money and protect her mother, Belinda. Unaware of the danger she's stepping into, she receives a late-night call to tend to a wounded man, who turns out to be none other than Leonardo Agosta, the feared Don of the Mafia. Leonardo becomes fascinated by Allison, proposing a contract marriage to shield her from harm and solidify their connection. As they spend time together, their bond grows, but their relationship faces challenges from rival factions who see Allison as a vulnerability. Unraveling the mystery behind attacks on both Leonardo and William, another figure in the underworld, Allison discovers her friend Wesley's involvement with the dangerous "Greens" organization. Their love becomes a source of intrigue and danger within the Mafia as secrets surface, alliances are tested, and Wesley's sinister role in Allison's father's death is revealed. The climax culminates in an intense confrontation between Allison, Leonardo, and Wesley, with their choices shaping their destinies and the future of the Mafia. In the denouement, Allison realizes the grave dangers surrounding her and takes control of her fate, no longer content to be a mere pawn. As she confronts Wesley, readers are left eager for the next installment, where Allison's strength and resilience will be further tested in the dangerous world of the Mafia.