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Grace Estellar

Grace Estellar's Books(4)

An Uncertain Present

An Uncertain Present

Alec Lightwood-Bane thought after becoming the archangel Remiel that life would settle back into normalcy. For a few months, he was not wrong. Magnus, his family (both old and new) and himself were able to continue on with their daily lives, taking the time to have fun together in a moment of peace. Unfortunately, that moment was only meant to last for so long. The Dark Order, thought to be long gone has risen once more. They are sure to bring death and destruction, all in search for a power that was believed to be long gone before but has recently returned. Alec has had experience with this group in the past, as have Daniel, Pippa and Harry respectively. The siblings tell him the truth: that he wasn't awakened just because of them, and that a dark evil will rise that he will be called to fight. Alec must now struggle to prepare for a battle he never asked for, all the while finding out the hidden truths unbeknownst to him. His world lays in uncertainty. Things are not as they seem. With new enemies come familiar faces, the traumas of the past come to life. Will Alec and his family be able to withstand the storm they bring? Or will they be lost in the waves of ruin sure to hit. And just who is Sara Herondale? What role does she play in all this mess? A/N: This story takes place after the Shadowhunters TV finale and A Hidden Past(a book I wrote that you should totally read if you haven't yet). It is NOT related to the books (and believe me I'd know since I've read them). However, I may include the occasional reference or three. Hope y'all enjoy!
A Hidden Past

A Hidden Past

For most of Alec's life, he had thought he had to hide who he was. He had feared being open and honest with himself, his parents telling him he'd never be good enough not helping the situation at all. Now, however, everything had changed. That change that had made him the happiest he has ever been, all started with Magnus. Against all odds, Alec and Magnus have found love and are now happily married. Now Alec has never been happier: he's married to the man he loves and is the Inquisitor. Everything seems right in his world, except not really. Turns out, there's a secret inside of him that even he didn't know about. A secret that threatens to tear everything he loves and cares for apart. Join Alec, Magnus, and the rest of the Shadow World as they take on a new danger that none of them saw coming. There'll be love, laughter, tears, bonding and so much more. Oh, and who are those people with wings? Why do they say Alec is so important? What's this about immortality? A/N: This story takes place after the Shadowhunters TV finale. It is NOT related to the books (and believe me I'd know since I've read them). However, I may include the occasional reference or three. I hope y'all enjoy. Also, the photos I use in here are not mine so credit to the people responsible. Also, I don't own Shadowhunters cause if I did, the show would've never been cancelled. Hope y'all enjoy! Also, the sequel to this book is called An Uncertain Present. It is out now, so if you like this book you should totally check it out!