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Lauretta's Books(5)

The Masked Girl

The Masked Girl

~He felt chills run down his stomach but he wasn’t going to budge, His icy sliver eyes looked right back at her fierce green eyes "I don’t need your money!” He says and squeezes the cheque till it shredded, She glanced at the now torn cheque and back at him "Fine!” She muttered with disdain and attempted to jerk her arm free but he held on tighter “I will find you! And this time You will dance to my tune!" He says and she smirked "Wouldn’t you like to see that!" She says and jerked her arm free, Her eyes leaving his as she looked at Judy who seemed confused as to what she just witnessed Reed watched as Rielle walked back into her car and the car sped off. He meant every word, He will find her and she would dance to his tune!~ A Ruthless robber, A high class thief, The city of Cunningham's nightmare, Only interested in the wealth of the rich and famous, Born from a prostitute mother and mafia father. Causing havoc all over the city, Her victims do not have the privilege to see her face and for this she is called THE MASKED GIRL Detective Reed Parker, An handsome, smart and witty man with the looks to go with it, He graduated top of his class in the police academy. He is not only handsome but extremely intelligent too. He gets sent to Cunningham to solve the mystery behind the masked girl. Only that he would be solving more than the mystery of theft when matters of the heart surfaces. Would Rielle draw Reed into her life of crime and deceit? Or Would Reed make Rielle give up her life of crime ?