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Mejoy's Book(1)

I've become a beautiful NPC

I've become a beautiful NPC

"If chosen to be a player in a horror game, one must either complete it or die. Ruan Qing had it worse—he became a special player who portrayed NPCs in the horror game, basically living in the opening credits. What's even more tragic is his peculiar constitution, which attracts the attention of sadists and paranoids wherever he goes. In Game 1, 'Horror Livestream Room,' the delicate and unyielding Ruan Qing—already concluded. Debts are always to be repaid, and once in debt, one may be selected by the Horror Livestream. The first to be chosen was Ruan Qing: '...' After being selected, Ruan Qing's various ways of dying were frenziedly spammed in the invisible barrage of the livestream room. However, when the camera shifted to Ruan Qing's face, the barrage froze, and the cruel and heartless comments instantly changed. [ I don't think he deserves to die. It's just verbal abuse, right? He didn't lose any flesh, so why make such a big deal out of it? ] [ I agree. He doesn't seem like a bad person. ] Initially, everyone: 'Such a malicious person deserves to die!' Later, everyone flocked to the Weibo accounts of those whom Ruan Qing had insulted: [ Qingqing can't even afford grapes, yet he's eating steak. Does he still have any humanity left? ] People randomly targeted by the insults: '??? Are you crazy?' If you discovered a serial killer knocking on your door outside, about to break in within minutes, what would you do? If it were other viewers, they might be thrilled, eager to see the various ways the homeowner would die. However, if it were Ruan Qing... [ Qingqing, don't open the door! Whatever you do, don't open it! Run away!!! ] Ruan Qing pulled out his phone and dialed the number of his neighbor across the hall (another serial killer), 'Hello, your takeout is here. Could you please come and pick it up?'"