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Miramax's Book(1)

Lockdown With My Gorgeous Ex Husband

Lockdown With My Gorgeous Ex Husband

I slapped his hands away from my suitcase. "You can't leave me, you know how much I love you Lena, you and we were met to be, you are heaven, am earth,"he whispered in my ears, his sexy deep voice caressing not just my face but my entire body. He leaned into the crook of my neck and started trailing kisses all the way up to my cheeks, finally behind my ears whicj he started nibling at and back to my soft spot. Gosh! He just knew how to turn every fuckin switch on me on. For moment I was re thinking of my descision, maybe I should give him a second chance. I do love him with all my heart. But no, cheaters should not be forgiven If he did it once, he can do it again anytime. "Get the hell out of my way,"I pushed past him and walked out of our three story house never to return again. I entered the key inside the car turned on the radio before I started the engine but just as I was about to start the car I heard some very shocking news "We here by inform all the citizens of this country that the pandemic has hit so hard and the rate of both patients and death cases is still rising inorder to decrease the spread of this the government has put a lockdown of 25 days on the entire country so every body you should stay right where you are. Who ever will be found travelling will face drastic consequences with the law. Please wear your masks, wash your hands and stay safe." My eyes widened at the news I had just heard, this can't be possible, this can't be possible. How the hell am I supposed to stay with a man I have just divorced for fuckin 25 days.