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Payback Is A Bitch

Payback Is A Bitch

"I hate her!" My voice raged around the room, the words echoing off the walls. Everybody flinched at my unusual outburst, taken aback by my raw emotions. Well, everyone except Clarke. Clarke, always composed and unshaken, simply smiled and tutted in response. "No, you don't," he said calmly, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "It's fine if you just admit that you freaking don't. I see the way you look at her, dude. I see admiration in those blue eyes of yours." His words struck me deep, piercing through the layers of denial I had built around myself. I raged and thundered, desperate to convince my friends, and perhaps even myself, that I wasn't becoming attracted to Beverly-a girl I had never seen before in my life. Her sky-blue eyes, the very eyes from which tears flowed freely, began to haunt my dreams and consume my thoughts. "We have hurt her enough already," I pleaded with my friends, desperation lacing my voice. Their expressions held a mix of incredulity and concern, but none of them spoke up, waiting to see how I would navigate this tumultuous situation. Except Clarke. "If you continue to be weak," he stated, his voice firm and unwavering, "then I'm sorry, but you can't be the leader of this group anymore." Dread washed over me as I squirmed under the weight of his words. The one thing I had feared most had now been voiced aloud. "I'm not weak!" I thundered once again, my voice laden with frustration. "And I'll prove it." With those words, I stormed out of the room, my footsteps heavy with determination and an inner turmoil that refused to settle...