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Riyaana Sushant Karkera

Riyaana Sushant Karkera's Book(1)

21 stories to unmask the truth

21 stories to unmask the truth

24-year-old Priya Junior Resident Gynaecologist just finished her delivery during the late hours of the night and made her way to her quarters. She is 3 months pregnant and gets a call from her husband who hasn't seen her for days due to the hectic schedule of the doctor. They have a small argument and the husband cuts the call in frustration, little does he know that will be the last time he speaks to his bubbly wife in a Rational state. Moments later just before reaching her quarters, the young doctor is assaulted by a man who was hiding waiting for her in the parking lot. She resists and fights her attacker but he overpowers and physical assaults her leaving her on the parking lot crying in pain. 14 years later, The management of the hospital is taken over by senior doctor Cynthia who replaces her husband as in charge of the hospital. She returns from South Africa to take charge of the hospital which was supported by her father and was given to her husband to take care of. On taking in charge, Dr Cynthia realises once upon a time favourite student, Dr Priya is working in the hospital as a delivery assistant under junior doctors. She is shocked and finds out that the hospital gave her quarters to stay all this year and a decent job in the hospital. She enquires with seniors about her and finds that she has a faint memory of the past and her wish is to be part of the hospital and help patients without any monetary support which her husband agreed by providing her room in her quarters and decent pay to help her as she denied to return back to her family after the trauma she suffered 14 years back. Dr Cynthia decides to try to befriend her student and find ways to rejuvenate her student's lost hope and give her a chance to be a doctor once again. On talking with her she realises although she doesn't remember anything that happened after that incident she has a good memory of the past about her ethical practices, delivery procedures and Dr Cynthia teaching. Only she has lost hope of going head in life which baffles Dr Cynthia. She decides to inquire into the case which was closed 14 years back. On investigation, she found the case was closed by the hospital and local minister which causes her to realise that hospital was protecting someone. She forces the officers to reopen the case to find the answer. On investigating, the officers found that Dr Priya had left her house and her family for good because they wanted to stop her from continuing her career. Dr Cynthia also found a booklet written with a set of stories. She decides to publish it in a way to help her student to regain her lost confidence. The officers investigating the book find that stories begin with a person name and their experience of life, such 21 stories complete the book. On further investigation, they find that these names are of real patients from the hospital but they do not correlate to patients of Dr Priya since she was a junior back then and they found records in the old files of the hospital which leaves behind the mystery how did Dr Priya write stories of patients she never met? On talking with her she reveals that she doesn't remember writing any and feels like her friend teenage Nurse Bonita had to help her write the stories. On investing further with entire Hospital staff, they find no such person ever worked in the hospital nor stayed with her. They also began to narrate strange incidents on the floor where Dr Priya used to stay it faced the opposite wing of the hospital which was abandoned most of the time. They heard her talking many times but they never found anyone entering or leaving the room any time of the day. Dr Cynthia assumes its work of the mind and years of loneliness but the patients on the list correlated to a doctor which shocked her for life. It was patients of most senior Dr Rhea most talented, surgeon and senior-most doctor in the state and she was her husband's first wife but she got vanished the minute Dr Cynthia married him. will the book reveal the answer? Does it have anything to do with the hospital and administration? Is someone trying to talk from the unknown to bring justice to Dr Priya and will all this investigation bring hope to Dr Priya who can complete her studies and become who she always wanted to be? Will the book bring out the secrets hidden in the hospital, secrets so difficult to reveal that can destroy the management once and for all. Will Dr Cynthia finally find the reason why the case was closed 14 years back in a hurry? Will she be able to face the truth? Read 21 to find out the answer.