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Scorpio.ace's Books(2)

A FATED LOVE:win the challenges, earn a husband

A FATED LOVE:win the challenges, earn a husband

This novel talks about a lady who had it hard with the challenges thrown to her, what will the universe give her in return for this life chess game, will she be able to overcome this challenges or not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sylviana hotel, a five star grade. In the large hall located at the third floor from the large tall hotel owned by God knows who. There is an award winning program going on in the large hall. -- Standing on the stage is a lady and a man, who are also recognised as the host of the ongoing program. " We are celebrating the 7th anniversary of the best World Wide Medical line Award this year. " the female host said as she addresses the audience who are arranged in columns and rows, sitting round a center table well decorated matching the theme of the hall with a milk and golden brown colour. " we are grateful to you all for attending this program again, this year and for the new people joining us on this lovely day, we welcome you to WWMA 2027." the female host addressed them again. " today we will be taking these various activities, and these activities are, professional medical seminars from professors, best hospital of the year in five countries, best medical practitioners according to profession and rank award winning and entertainment. So please relax and enjoy the program with professor Steven from the United States. " the female host said as she claps her hand initiating the audience to clap as the Man being called out walk to the stage, shook hands with the Male host and a few greetings to the female host as he dominates the stage with a projection displayed behind him with the topic. " The Central Nervous System. " -- Back at the audience. There was a lady sitting on a chair with her colleagues, she was wearing blue a full arm length with Silver Empire waist gown with a Silver ankle strap heel and a blue turban made beautifully on her head covering her hair with a silver pin attached to a side. She took a sip of wine from the cup of wine placed in front of her as she listened attentively to the seminar. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After two hours of the program. It is finally the best medical practitioners award giving time and the announcement have been going on with the best doctors first, followed by the best medical laboratory practitioners and finally the best nurses is going on and the highest ranks such as the best director of nursing which was won by the United States of America, the best chief nursing officer won by China and so on. " now I will announce the best junior nursing officer of the year ." the male host said as he looks round the hall at the audience who look at him with expectancy. After a short while of silence. " the best junior nursing officer goes to Nurse Oluwatoyin Hajarat from Nigeria. " the male host said as the audience gave a round of applause while expecting the winner to walk up the stage while those who know the winner and are happy with the announcement smile as they clap their hands in appreciation and look at lady on call while those who weren't happy sneer but hid it behind fake smiles. The lady in the blue and silver Empire waist gown stood up from her seat and approach the stage as she maintain a good facial expression and not showing off much emotions. -- Reaching the stage. " congratulations. " the male host said as he collects the trophy from the female host and hands it over to her. " thank you" she said and walk to the microphone to give a little speech. -- Back at the table where she was sitting a while ago with her colleagues. " I can't believe, she won this award " one of the ladies who sat there said as she sneers. " I swear, I hate her. " another said " she always act like she know it all. " someone else said as they express their displeasure while looking at her smile a little while giving thanks and little speeches on the stage. " I feel like killing her, who feels the same. " another lady said as she smiles wickedly. " you need not to, " the last one of them said making the others look at her with the " seriously " look. " we can just destroy her simply. " the last one said making the others change their facial expression with a questioning look. " and how is that. " one of them said. The last one fetch something in her bag and brought out a bottle of drug. " what is that. " someone else asked. " aphrodisiac. " the last one said. " Ahhhh. " the others gasp. " you are such a genius. " one of them said. " let's waste her here and today. " another said "oh I have someone in mind. " someone said. " who ? " the last one ask as she empties the whole bottle of aphrodisiac in Hajarat cup of wine. " the old sage. " the person said as she dials a number with a evil smile. ---