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Starry Josty

Starry Josty's Books(5)

Can you mend my broken heart?

Can you mend my broken heart?

"I hate you !" Clara muttered at him."What did I do?!" He replied, looking shocked and slightly hurt. "Well, for starters, you are a total jackass, oh, and you stabbed me in the back, Literally!." "You're still upset about that? Women are confusing... Lucifer shook his head and sighed."Stop fighting like a girl," He said in a mocking tone, which didn't faze Clara at all. "You know what, Mr. billionaire, the majority of a man using just fits to fight, if I fought like a girl I would rip your head off with my nails or teeth and yes,you would beg me to stop." “Have you come this far to accomplish your half-done chaos as in heaven?” Clara asked Lucifer while making eyeball contact with him. “That's just a myth, and some people chose to abuse our name. Anyway, I never did any evil and am here to do better” Lucifer replied sounding all innocent while still carrying the groceries I bought in the store. “Tell that to a kid. Not to Clara!” I flared up. But in all, he was still gazing at my eyeballs. “To you, it might sound like a fallacy, but I mean what I just said!” He replied while still wearing his smiley face. “What exactly do you want from me?” Clara angrily questioned him. “Your heart!" He said... Those were the conversations between Lucifer and Clara who had awful experiences when first they met. Clara developed an unquantifiable hatred for men because of how his dad treated his mother, and that stiffened her heart from falling in love with men. Lucifer who never cared whether he was welcome or not kept placing his request expecting to have a positive response. His conclusion was to either get what he wanted or die in the process.


Welbeck was the epitome of an eligible son-in-law. He was successful in his career, financially stable, kind-hearted, and always put his family first. He had been with his girlfriend, Keira, for three years and was ready to take the next step in their relationship. Keira's parents had high expectations for their daughter's future husband and were initially skeptical of Welbeck. However, he slowly won them over with his respectful manners, genuine interest in their family traditions, and admiration for their daughter. Welbeck also went out of his way to bond with Keira's younger brother, who had initially been hesitant about his older sister's new boyfriend. Welbeck was a successful entrepreneur who started his own business and had a great reputation in his industry. However, he never let his work consume him, always made time for Keira, and was supportive of her career aspirations. Additionally, Welbeck had a strong sense of family values, which was essential to Keira's parents. He not only took the time to get to know her family but also made an effort to connect them with his own family. Keira's parents were impressed by Welbeck's ability to balance his professional life with his commitment to his family. What set Welbeck apart from other potential son-in-laws was his genuine love and care for Keira. He was attentive to her needs, made her laugh, and always put her first. Keira's parents saw that Welbeck was more than just a good match, but the perfect partner for their daughter. In the end, Welbeck proposed to Keira in a grand gesture that embodied all of the qualities they valued. Keira's family was thrilled to have him as their future son-in-law, and they knew that Welbeck would continue to make Keira happy for years to come.