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chiomanwigwe342's Books(2)



"You are Mine!" He said with his dominating voice holding my neck, he was choking me, I was frightened to the very core, shaking "The moment I paid you that huge sum of money you became an asset to me" he added "You can't back out now. It's too late" he said again still holding me "I'm not yours" I managed to say in a cracked voice "I will never be yours" I replied with a cracked voice trying to breathe" "You are nothing, you are just a mere whore with nothing else but a standing pole, a hoe who spreads her legs for money and that's all you will ever be. A stripping hoe!" he said, tears rolled down from my cheeks as I began to cry. "If you try to break the deal we have by revealing it to an outsider, you will be dead! And come to think about it, who would believe the words that come from a stripping hoe like yourself, no one, no one will ever believe you! Because you know what you are? A complete Street whore. That's exactly what you are and what you will ever be" "If I'm a complete whore to you. Why did you choose me?" "Because you are nobody. I don't want my family digging into your profile and finding something so I chose you. You were the perfect match that fit into all of this charade" he said intuitively "I don't want to do this anymore, I will wire you back your money first thing tomorrow morning" I said, trying to leave. He drags my hand vigorously, I was scared to the very core shaking like a drenched rat "You don't seem to understand the concept of our agreement, you don't seem to understand. I already introduced you to my family. Khloe you can't back out now. You can't" ************ "Who did you tell about our contract?" He yells, his eyes were red, and he was in an angry state "Who did you tell?" He asked again "No one. I told no one" I answered scarily "What do you mean you told no one? "How does my sister know?" "I don't know" I said fidgeting" "I told no one. I.........I ....... only told" I said stuttering as I tried to remember who I told, but still uncertain "You what! He asked painfully, his eyes were still red "I only told my friend Rochelle" "Shit! He screams loudly hitting the door "She wouldn't have told anybody, I promise" I said just about to cry "You don't know what you low lives can do for a dollar" "Rochelle couldn't have told her" "You are so fucking naive. You lowlifes can do anything for a fucking penny!" "She's my best friend" "Indeed"